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24th February 2014, 15:44
Anyway, just a couple of hours until the Galaxy S5 launch, I've been waiting for this one because my iPhone 4S is showing its age but I haven't been impressed with the iPhone 5/5S.

25th February 2014, 09:47
It ended up being much of the same but with a few little features. This is pretty much what we can expect from all the manufacturers now. The iPhone 6 will undoubtedly have a slightly larger screen and be a little faster, but its a combination that works. You've wanted to move to Android for a while now Mark so this is as good a time as any. I'm pretty locked in now so it'll most likely be another iPhone come October or whenever I am due to upgrade. Photostream seems to be the feature I find most valuable of late when sharing pics between family and friends. Its a little different to Google Drive as it runs alongside my photo's in a separate folder and is more socialable with notifications and a social media style commenting system. I also use Facetime loads and iMessage is great because it backs up on iCloud. These are features I could probably find workarounds with on Android again, but I can't be bothered lol .:)

25th February 2014, 09:51
Yes I'm thinking seriously about the S5 as tbh I'm quite pleased with what they came up with. I was impressed with the S4 and considered buying it but decided to wait for the S5 and hoped it wouldn't be massively different, and it isn't.

I would miss the likes of iCloud photo sharing, facetime, iMessage etc it's just a question of if they are big enough a miss to stop me from changing.

25th February 2014, 21:42
No thanks, I've dropped the 5S, because the upgrade wasn't big enough to justify the purchase, but I will definitely wait and buy the new iPhone 6 ! :D

ps: Mark traitor, you will regret it, mark my words :p:

25th February 2014, 21:54
I've been using an iPhone 5c for about a week now. It's a phone, makes calls and runs quicker than my old iPhone 4S did. I paid nothing for the phone and reduced my contract price by half so all in all I'm quite happy. I live in a 4G area and did a speed test that showed my phone has a better download than my fibre broadband but the upload was pants. A phone is just a phone to me and my new iPhone is still also better than my BlackBerry but that wasn't going to be hard.

25th February 2014, 22:27
Yes I'm thinking seriously about the S5 as tbh I'm quite pleased with what they came up with. I was impressed with the S4 and considered buying it but decided to wait for the S5 and hoped it wouldn't be massively different, and it isn't.

I would miss the likes of iCloud photo sharing, facetime, iMessage etc it's just a question of if they are big enough a miss to stop me from changing.

Yes yes do it! You know you want to so don't be afraid just use the force Mark. http://www.motorsportforums.com/download/file.php?avatar=421122_1378723625.jpg

No thanks, I've dropped the 5S, because the upgrade wasn't big enough to justify the purchase, but I will definitely wait and buy the new iPhone 6 ! :D

ps: Mark traitor, you will regret it, mark my words :p:

No no no. Mark don't listen to him! ;) :p he's "evil" :vader:

I don't have one myself but wouldn't mind owning one though but my 3½ year old HTC Desire will have to do for a while more.

26th February 2014, 09:07
I've been using an iPhone 5c for about a week now. It's a phone, makes calls and runs quicker than my old iPhone 4S did. I paid nothing for the phone and reduced my contract price by half so all in all I'm quite happy. I live in a 4G area and did a speed test that showed my phone has a better download than my fibre broadband but the upload was pants. A phone is just a phone to me and my new iPhone is still also better than my BlackBerry but that wasn't going to be hard.
I saw a 5C properly for the first time last week and I have to say I was very impressed with it as a phone. Considering many seem to think its a 'budget' iPhone, I think the build quality and the internals of the 5 make it anything but Budget IMO. Its a really nice phone.
A friend of mine has the S4 and is a little miffed the S5 has gone bigger again. I hadn't picked up on this and as many know I am not a fan of huge smartphones. I just hope the iPhone 6 isn't much bigger but unfortunately this seems to be the way things are going so it'll probably have a 5 inch screen. I hope the rumours of two screen sizes are correct as I'll get the smaller version in a heartbeat.

26th February 2014, 09:37
I agree with you henners, big size smartphones are not for me neither. Hopefully Apple will make both the 4.7 and the 5.3 sizes so I can chose the smaller one ;)

27th February 2014, 00:30
I am still more than happy with my iPhone 4S, my contract runs until May so will see what is new then, not in any rush to upgrade so will see what offer Vodafone can give me. To be totally honest, I will probably go for a sim only deal with a rolling monthly contract, it's something that's been bugging me for almost the last two years :s

27th February 2014, 09:10
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm on and it serves me well, although there are better deals out there if you are willing to sign in for a years contract SIM only.

2nd March 2014, 12:42
Still strange though when you consider Nokia is owned by Microsoft. You'd think they would be putting all efforts into making Windows Mobile work rather than entering the already competitive Android group of manufacturers.
I'm not completely sure, but I thought the deal isn't completed yet. -They still have some issues with Indian and Chinese governments until it's finalized.

I've heard two types of speculation about the Android Nokia, first one was that they forced Microsoft into the deal by showing they can easily mode away from MS's platform. The other rumour was that MS is showing Android phone capabilities for potential purchasers of Nokia's cheap phone manufacturing. ;)

28th March 2014, 12:36
The new HTC One M8 phone review by the Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/mar/28/htc-one-m8-review-five-star-smartphone?CMP=twt_gu

It looks interesting by the question is if it has a exchangeable battery because if it doesn't and the battery breaks you have
to replace the entire phone rather then just replace the battery.

24th June 2014, 13:49
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-27992439 - Microsoft to make Android phone.

It seems not even Microsoft has any confidence in Windows Phone. While it makes sense from a purely cash point of view to get some of the Android market, it's not a good long term business strategy to be competing against yourself, especially when mobile operating systems these days require a critical mass in order to attract quality app development.

It seems to be by this move Microsoft have admitted defeat.

24th June 2014, 16:52
Hey Mark, haven't been on this thread for months, did you get the crappy Samsung :p: or you still with Apple ?

24th June 2014, 17:03
He should have paid only 2-3 times more for inferior phone.

Bargain :p:

24th June 2014, 20:20
Hey Mark, haven't been on this thread for months, did you get the crappy Samsung :p: or you still with Apple ?

Still got my 4S. It's still working so no good reason to change yet!

24th June 2014, 20:36
Same here, I dropped the 5S and bought the Mini IPad instead. So now I am waiting the new 6 ;)

25th June 2014, 06:25
Same here, I dropped the 5S and bought the Mini IPad instead. So now I am waiting the new 6 ;)

You should really read back towards the start of the thread Pino. Hasn't anyone told you that all those Apple pad devices would be total flops? :laugh:

As for the Windows phones, over here in the US you can hardly give them away. We switched carriers and phones about a month back. The couple of Windows phones they had gathered dust, while there were several walls with all types of Android and Apple devices, with people checking out all their options.

The wife and myself have Android phones, but I sprung for an iPhone for my daughter. Though for me personally it doesn't matter much either way, she has grown up with the interface and loves it, so I completely understand.

26th June 2014, 10:27
I will be upgrading to the iPhone 6 in September or whenever it is out too. Can't see any reason to change platform as I'm enjoying iOS. Should get a few quid for my old iPhone too which will be handy. :)

26th June 2014, 10:53
The iPhone 6 should be interesting. Most speculation saying that Apple will finally go for a much bigger screen size, which is what their competitors have been doing for years now. Sizes of 4.7" (from the current 4") and 5.5" have been mentioned.

30th June 2014, 19:31
Finally got too fed up with Vodafone so have called and cancelled my contract, just about to get a 5S. Quite happy with my 4S but the battery is just too old now and can't be bothered struggling with it.

30th June 2014, 20:32
I hope the 5S is being offered on good deals because in just over 2 months the iPhone 6 will be here. You don't want to be paying top whack for a contract that will be offered soon on a better device. I know phones are always getting better, but this close to a launch should bring lower prices IMO. Unless of course you're not bothered? :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

30th June 2014, 20:54
It's going to be closer to 4 months before the iPhone 6 I think.

30th June 2014, 21:16
I was thinking early to mid September based on the rumour mills and previous Autumn launches.

30th June 2014, 21:24
Meanwhile Apple has just release IOS 7.1.2 ;)

30th June 2014, 21:25
I was thinking early to mid September based on the rumour mills and previous Autumn launches.

Sept 19 is the date ;)

1st July 2014, 00:52
Can't wait until September as I'll have a lot on just before then and don't want any hassle sorting anything out. I'm not bothered having the latest phone and am happy with my 4S apart from the battery situation, but that's due to its age mainly and probably being charged at least once a day for the last 25 months :s

No 'good' deals that I can spot, top of the list at the moment is Tesco which is £39 a month for a 64Gb (which I need due to lots of photos/videos/music etc).

1st July 2014, 08:53
Can't wait until September as I'll have a lot on just before then and don't want any hassle sorting anything out. I'm not bothered having the latest phone and am happy with my 4S apart from the battery situation, but that's due to its age mainly and probably being charged at least once a day for the last 25 months :s

No 'good' deals that I can spot, top of the list at the moment is Tesco which is £39 a month for a 64Gb (which I need due to lots of photos/videos/music etc).

I have to say £39 a month sounds a lot. I only pay £27 and get unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, and 1GB of data. I could pay £5 a month more and get unlimited data but I don't need it. Then again I went for the 32GB model so of course you pay extra for a 64GB.

Last time I checked I had about 8GB of music on the phone and I tend to back the phone up and clear most of the pictures and video's off it to save storage space. I can't see the point in keeping every picture and video I've ever taken on the phone as its a mass of thumbnails to scroll through and I forget what I've taken anyway. I use photostream for the important pictures and vids and these are shared with my wife and family. :)

7th July 2014, 09:00
For those who have Siri on their iPhones, is it possible to initiate a call on an iPhone using nothing but Siri? I mean, can you say "Siri, dial such & such number" and the call is placed? Same thing with answering an incoming call - "Siri, answer the call"???

I have a rather serious issue to deal with and need a hands-free phone solution for someone who is fast losing mobility.

If Siri can't do that, then I'd GREATLY appreciate any other ideas or suggestions. Doesn't have to be mobile/cell, but it does have to be something that works in and is available in the U.S., if not mobile then using a landline here.

Thank you.

7th July 2014, 16:11
For those who have Siri on their iPhones, is it possible to initiate a call on an iPhone using nothing but Siri? I mean, can you say "Siri, dial such & such number" and the call is placed? Same thing with answering an incoming call - "Siri, answer the call"???

I have a rather serious issue to deal with and need a hands-free phone solution for someone who is fast losing mobility.

If Siri can't do that, then I'd GREATLY appreciate any other ideas or suggestions. Doesn't have to be mobile/cell, but it does have to be something that works in and is available in the U.S., if not mobile then using a landline here.

Thank you.

Is it for home use?

I can’t imagine why one of those voice-activated Bluetooth car speakers wouldn’t work in your home?

7th July 2014, 16:58
Is it for home use?

I can’t imagine why one of those voice-activated Bluetooth car speakers wouldn’t work in your home?

Yep, strictly indoor use. If a Bluetooth speaker will run off 110 volts, that might be a good way to go. Thanks. I'll look into that too.

7th July 2014, 17:11
I'm pretty sure Bluetooth speakers (the ones specifically for cars) are available battery operated. Probably just a couple of AAs.

7th July 2014, 19:34
I just realized, if I go that route, I'll have to upgrade the current cellphone since the current one doesn't have Bluetooth capabilities. So looks like the iPhone (if it dials and answers by voice) may be the way to go anyway, unless I can find a landline solution. I've found one decent "special needs" supply house, but it's surprising how difficult they make sorting through all the options. Most of their "voice activated" landline phones are just voice activated dialers and won't answer calls. Grrrrr!

8th July 2014, 06:05
I just realized, if I go that route, I'll have to upgrade the current cellphone since the current one doesn't have Bluetooth capabilities. So looks like the iPhone (if it dials and answers by voice) may be the way to go anyway, unless I can find a landline solution. I've found one decent "special needs" supply house, but it's surprising how difficult they make sorting through all the options. Most of their "voice activated" landline phones are just voice activated dialers and won't answer calls. Grrrrr!

Most of the bluetooth car units will answer calls as well as make them using the phones voice commands, or in some cases using Google voice commands. I have a BlueAnt S4 and it answers calls just fine, as well as rejecting them if you don't or can't talk.

Just about any phone can do voice commands now, and you don't have to buy upper end to get it. There are tons of apps and they get better daily. If the person in question can simply bring up the Google bar they all kinds of things are possible. If they can't a bluetooth device or similar might be the answer. Keep in mind that Siri was simply and app that Apple purchased, and it's certainly not and exclusive feature of Apple devices. There are a number of them to pick from, with varied sets of features.

29th July 2014, 18:51
Google's Android Has a Fake-ID Problem (http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-29/googles-android-has-a-fake-id-problem#r=lr-sr)

Be careful, Android users.

Google’s (GOOG (http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot.asp?ticker=GOOG)) Android operating system has a security flaw that could allow hackers to impersonate trusted applications and potentially hijack your phone or tablet, according to research released today.

The basic issue is the way in which Android checks—or rather, does not check—that certain applications are what they say they are, according to Bluebox Security (https://bluebox.com/blog/technical/android-fake-id-vulnerability/), the company that identified the vulnerability. Hence the catchy name, “Fake ID.”

Verifying identity is one of the most fundamental issues online. Is someone logging into a bank account the owner of that account? Is an application what it claims to be? San Francisco-based Bluebox helps companies secure their data on mobile devices, and its staff members work to research and understand the architecture of the mobile operating systems that Bluebox builds onto, says Jeff Forristal, chief technology officer.

Each Android application has its own digital signature—an ID card, in essence. Adobe Systems (ADBE (http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot.asp?ticker=ADBE)), for example, has a specific signature on Android, and all programs from Adobe have an ID that’s based on that signature. Bluebox discovered that when an application flashes an Adobe ID, for example, Android does not check back with Adobe that it’s an authentic one. That means that a malicious actor could create malware based on Adobe’s signature and infect your system. The problem isn’t specific to Adobe; a hacker could create a malicious application that impersonates Google Wallet and then access payment and financial data. The same issue applies to administrative software present on some devices, allowing full control of the entire system.

“We basically discovered a way to create fake ID cards,” says Forristal. “There are different vectors. They all come down to: I can create a fake ID card. The question is, which fake ID card do I create?”

The flaw affects Android systems from 2.1 (released in January 2010) on up, though the latest version, 4.4 or KitKat, has closed the hole as it relates to Adobe, according to Bluebox. To give an idea of scale: From 2012 to 2013, about 1.4 billion new devices shipped with the Android operating system, according to Gartner (http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jsp). Gartner (IT (http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot.asp?ticker=IT)) estimates that 1.17 billion additional Android devices will ship this year.

29th July 2014, 22:06
For Siri you need a button press to activate it. With limited mobility that might still be an issue? I think with the latest Android you can say "ok google" without a button press?

21st August 2014, 08:21
So after a little bit of research and having actually decided on an iPhone 4s (yeah not with the times - or rather are not suckers :p: ) which is now pretty cheap here, we did a u-turn and went for an unknown and newly launched Asus Zenfone 5 for the missus. Anybody here has it?

I am quietly confident that it will be well made device, Asus makes decent hardware.

2nd September 2014, 13:18
iCloud anyone? :p:

Reported iCloud hack leaks hundreds of nude celebrity photos (http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/1/6092089/nude-celebrity-hack)

2nd September 2014, 18:35
^ yeah read that :p:

btw the Asus Zenfone has turned out to be a very nice phone indeed..

3rd September 2014, 08:27
For Siri you need a button press to activate it. With limited mobility that might still be an issue? I think with the latest Android you can say "ok google" without a button press?

They have "Hey Siri!" coming in iOS 8, which might be out in a week or so.

3rd September 2014, 12:49
^ yeah read that :p:

btw the Asus Zenfone has turned out to be a very nice phone indeed..

Good news.
Maybe it's time to get rid of your Windoze phone :p:

11th September 2014, 19:29
So how many of you have preordered the new iPhone 6 ?

11th September 2014, 20:56
So how many of you have preordered the new iPhone 6 ?

I've read all the criticism of it and agree. However; I would be getting one if I had any money however I do not so I won't!

11th September 2014, 22:59
What criticism ?

Big Ben
12th September 2014, 09:51
that it's hugely overpriced probably :p

12th September 2014, 13:24
What criticism ?

Those fugly fat lines around the back... And the camera bulge just seems weird. But that's just me.

As for the price, the 6 is actually 50$ cheaper than the 5S was? At least where I am.

12th September 2014, 13:36
that it's hugely overpriced probably :p

You pay for what you get :p:

12th September 2014, 13:38
What criticism ?

That the spec of it is basically the same as an Android phone from 2012.

12th September 2014, 18:13
That the spec of it is basically the same as an Android phone from 2012.

Maybe 2013 specs.
But still the price is a lot higher.

12th September 2014, 18:45
That the spec of it is basically the same as an Android phone from 2012.

I understand that your next mobile, will be an Android then ;)

12th September 2014, 21:20
I understand that your next mobile, will be an Android then ;)

I had a Galaxy S5 for a week. Didn't like it. Sent it back.

13th September 2014, 09:36
So you going to stick with 4S...until when ?

13th September 2014, 10:42
So you going to stick with 4S...until when ?

Forever! :D

13th September 2014, 12:30
I now have both Android and Apple phones that I use. Oh joy.

My new job doesn't reimburse for phone use, but they will give us an iPhone with service. So now I take my work phone to work, and my personal phone gets put in my pocket after work.

This had made me get more familiar with the Apple OS, and was confusing for a few days as I kept reverting back to Android train of thought. But having gotten used to it, the same pros and cons still exist with each phone. Android can do a lot more really, but the user interface changes phone to phone. Apple is simple to use and uniform, and that makes it user friendly. I was actually shocked at basic things that are hard to do with the iPhone though.

Both of my Android phones have had larger screens than the 5c I get from work, but it really hasn't bothered me as much as expected. We also get an iPad from work, and having the two devices so similar makes the use really easy, as well as sharing. I'm not sure if anyone in the Android world has thought of doing that yet, making a phone and pad have the same functions/interface. It sure makes it simple when it works that way.

On a side note, last weekend we went to a function and my daughter didn't take her phone. (This in itself was amazing and could be a long story about my shock!) But at some point she picked up my phone when my wife called, and was messing with it afterwards. With her having had an iPod touch for years before she got her iPhone, she was boggled at the amount of stuff on my Android phone, but didn't like it and thought it was complex to work.

So which one is better?

I still don't know, and both have their place. :)

24th September 2014, 11:10
I'm probably going to get an iPhone 6 for Christmas I think.

24th September 2014, 12:52

This is a nice comparison of every iPhone running speed tests. Top number is single core processing, bottom is dual core.

What I hadn't appreciated is just how massive the difference is between the 4S and the 5S and how little difference there is between the 5 and 6, obviously the focus there is on the bigger screen size.

24th September 2014, 13:55
As I love photography, going to get the 6 Plus ! :D

24th September 2014, 21:23
As I love photography, going to get the 6 Plus ! :D

It's a very bendy phone!

I would say try it first it's massive!

24th September 2014, 21:26
I have seen a video about, so I will first test it myself, then I will decide. And I got plenty of time for that ! ;)

24th September 2014, 23:04
It's a very bendy phone!


25th September 2014, 16:30
For sure no stupid Apple-haters will ever change my mind. I will take the decision on my own !

ps: not referring at you, ody ;)

25th September 2014, 16:46
iPhone 6 4.7" looks good to me. Although I'm not a massive fan of the design and haven't been of anything since the iPhone 4S! But as that picture shows the 4S is way underpowered by modern standards.

25th September 2014, 17:08
Tomorrow arrives in Denmark, so I will go and have look at it, then will decide the size ;)

donKey jote
25th September 2014, 19:03
Bigger is better ....

At least so sayeth Billy's missus :dozey: :andrea:

26th September 2014, 11:53
Went to a shop this morning, and had a look a them...wow ! The 6 Plus is huge ! It's a big jump from the 4s, so I can't decide myself. The normal 6 looks more handy...

26th September 2014, 12:31
Yeah I haven't seen them in person but the 6+ seems huge more like an iPad than a phone! The 6 is already quite a step up in size from the 4S.

I think you should get the 6 so you can tell me how it is ;)

26th September 2014, 12:38
I don't think I would ever want anything phablet sized for daily use. My android phone is near the size of the regular 6 and is about as big as I would go. The extra screen size is great to have, and anyone moving up from a 4 would appreciate it without doubt. I currently have a 5C from work, and though I overall like it, losing some screen size as compared to my android phone is the biggest drawback that I notice day to day.

26th September 2014, 12:42
I am off to Italy, where I can look at them again, and make up my mind. I can only say that, both are beautiful and well made, and cannot wait to get one of them, no matter the size ! :D

27th September 2014, 22:38
5.5 display is fine provided that the bezel size is reasonable.

Here's iPhone 6 plus vs LG G3. Both have 5.5 inch displays



Well done LG! ;)

28th September 2014, 09:37
yeah the stupid bezels make it even more cumbersome

29th September 2014, 10:26
Here's the truth of bendgate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0-3fIs2jQs

29th September 2014, 13:30
For me personally I make it a habit to always take my phone out of my back pocket when sitting down. One because it's uncomfortable and two because I never wanted to find out the results of the bendgate testing!

I prefer a phone small enough to fit in my front pocket for the times I might not have a work bag, etc to put it in.

1st October 2014, 18:04
iPhone 6 4.7" looks good to me. Although I'm not a massive fan of the design and haven't been of anything since the iPhone 4S! But as that picture shows the 4S is way underpowered by modern standards.

Went to the Verizon shop last week and looked at both. For me, the 6 Plus is impractical because of its size. But I *think* I can make the 6 work carrying it in my shirt pocket. My old friend, the Motorola V60 (vintage 2003) flip phone, has finally seen its last. The charging cord is stuck in the bottom of the phone and the charger itself is now held together by Scotch tape (I didn't have any electrical tape at the time). I look like a homeless person with the charger stuffed into my pocket and the cord running up to my face. So... Finally... :(

What struck me about the new 6 series is how much the design looks like my most favorite, most useful iDevice: the iPod Touch. So I plunked down my card and ordered the 6. The funny/odd thing is the phone should arrive on October 17. But the car that I ordered back in May won't arrive until October 19 (estimated, maybe, we think, possibly, "I'll believe it when I see it", etc.). From this I say, Apple's supply chain > Subaru's supply chain. I'm looking forward to getting the phone (wonky, dud iOS 8 system and all) - the car, not so much anymore.

1st October 2014, 18:25
Here's the truth of bendgate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0-3fIs2jQs

The (conspiracy) theory being floated is that some of the stories about the bending iPhones were planted by competitors and/or Fandroid people and the "desperate for an Apple story" media picked up on them, especially since Consumer Reports found that you could stand a 70 pound child on the middle of the 6 Plus and it wouldn't bend. Where's the rolleyes smilie? There it is! :rolleyes: I'm generally not into conspiracy theories, but the one story that some guy's girlfriend was walking through the mall with her 6 Plus in her purse and it bent, all by itself, without her sitting on it or smashing it into a wall a dozen times, was clearly a made-up lie... yet the media ran with that one too. They should just cut to the chase and do a story about how the Loch Ness monster sat on his iPhone 6 Plus and it bent all to hell. CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg and most of the other TV outlets in the U.S. are staffed by cute, blonde, former beauty queens who are dumber than a bag of hair - except for Emily Chang of Bloomberg West. She's Asian and a brunette, but deep down inside, "Emily "the Talking Squirrel" Chang is a blonde. I bet she has trouble getting to work every morning without getting lost.

But the issues with the OS are very real. I'm not happy about that at all. Hey, here's something that would make Daniel laugh all day if he read it: I'm now a fan of the BlackBerry Passport and the BlackBerry company (really the stock). I like what John Chen has done. And by shifting the focus to device management and away from (just) devices, I think that company has a bright(er) future. Not out of the woods yet, but I have my money where my mouth is on this belief.

3rd October 2014, 19:02
Well this morning this happened :(


So this afternoon iPhone 6 happened!

3rd October 2014, 19:24

3rd October 2014, 19:26
Wow that's great :p: what storage ?

3rd October 2014, 19:27
128gb :D. I wanted black but they didn't have one and I wasn't in a position to wait.

3rd October 2014, 19:42
That's the phone I will order as soon as I get back to Copenhagen :up:

4th October 2014, 06:58
After a quick glance I thought you had bought a white Samsung Whatnot, had to look more closely to see what it really was. :)

I've been having a bit of trouble with the navigation in my Sony, it seems Android 4.3 has some issues fixing to Glonass satellites. Some time I lose sat-connection every few minutes. Not fun when driving in unfamiliar area.

4th October 2014, 09:46
Is there any reason it needs to use GLONASS specifically? Better coverage in your area I guess?

4th October 2014, 12:18
Of the 20 or so satellites visible here, maybe 1/3 are Glonasses. It would help with the signal.

4th October 2014, 18:35
I believe that although it's a global system it's designed to concentrate on Russia which would also cover Finland I guess.

9th October 2014, 19:31
Well this morning this happened :(


So this afternoon iPhone 6 happened!

OK, here's what I think happened. I think your girlfriend was carrying it in her purse through the mall and it broke all by itself. Either that, or your wife found out that you have a girlfriend and she threw it at you and that's how it broke. Am I right or am I right or... am... I... right??? :D

10th October 2014, 09:01
The truth is rather more boring so I'll go with that lol

18th October 2014, 10:31
My iPhone 6 has been dispatched ! :D

18th October 2014, 10:43
My iPhone 6 has been dispatched ! :D

Nice! Which model did you go for?

I've been very happy with mine so far.

18th October 2014, 10:56
I wanted the 128GB, but I couldn't pay cash with my VISA ( for unknown reasons ) so I got the Silver 64 GB instead. I then contacted my company, and they told me, to send it back, and they will get a 128GB for me. But to be honest, I think I will keep, the one I have ordered ! ;)

18th October 2014, 10:58
You'll love it. And 64 is plenty.

18th October 2014, 10:59
Yep, that what my son told me !

18th October 2014, 11:08
Not sure if I really need 128 as I'm only using 38gb at the moment. But there's plenty time yet.

18th October 2014, 11:31
And i can still switch to a 128 GB next year, when the 6S will be released ! :p:

18th October 2014, 12:15
Just got home and...voilá ! 331

18th October 2014, 15:54
Enjoy and report back! Nice colour!

18th October 2014, 16:12
Thanks, I will ;)

18th October 2014, 21:36
Girly colour :devil:

18th October 2014, 21:40
Girly colour :devil:

Not when you put a black cover over, and you have Juve colors !

19th October 2014, 18:38
Which cover are you getting? I've ordered the silicon case but it's not arrived yet.


20th October 2014, 01:20
Here's 333

20th October 2014, 04:37
Is the Pendo 7" tablet any good? I don't need a quick machine, I just want something to tap away lots of notes with and draw, on the train.

20th October 2014, 07:37
It's weird, Apple makes a pretty, slim phone and then you guys stick it inside a gaudy rubber case. ;)

20th October 2014, 09:21
Janne, my iPhone 4s is 4 years old, and in perfect condition, thanks to a cover. Going to do the same with my iPhone 6 ! ;)

20th October 2014, 10:00
Is the Pendo 7" tablet any good? I don't need a quick machine, I just want something to tap away lots of notes with and draw, on the train.

Link pls.

21st October 2014, 18:36
It's weird, Apple makes a pretty, slim phone and then you guys stick it inside a gaudy rubber case. ;)

True. But with the latest iOS update (8.1?), we get Apple Pay over here. So with the case, my phone is thicker. But my wallet should get slimmer, what with all the credit cards I can remove. The only question I have is, will I bend my iPhone 6 when I shove it inside the card reader at the gas station??? I just don't think it's gonna fit. Or maybe it will! Hold on, I'll get my hammer.

21st October 2014, 20:27
If you fold it then it will work.

21st October 2014, 20:55
It's weird, Apple makes a pretty, slim phone and then you guys stick it inside a gaudy rubber case. ;)

I would normally agree and I haven't had a case before. But the iPhone 6 looks especially scratchable on the back and slippery to hold. So I'm going to give a case a try. Not sure if I will keep using it or not.

21st October 2014, 21:03
I've still not really got an incentive to upgrade my iPhone 4S, happy with it and have a battery case thing that gets round the battery not lasting as long as it used to. On a sim only contract at £12 a month. Don't think even I can justify the cost to upgrade :s

21st October 2014, 21:08
I've still not really got an incentive to upgrade my iPhone 4S, happy with it and have a battery case thing that gets round the battery not lasting as long as it used to. On a sim only contract at £12 a month. Don't think even I can justify the cost to upgrade :s

I was of the same opinion until I smashed my screen!

21st October 2014, 21:13
It's weird, Apple makes a pretty, slim phone and then you guys stick it inside a gaudy rubber case. ;)

Correction: pretty -> boring

Still, in case the phone slips out of your hands you will appreciate the rubber case.
Especially if it costs 700+ euros :dozey:

21st October 2014, 21:19
Jamie mate, you have no idea, how big is the jump, from the 4s to the 6. You need to try it to believe it ;)

21st October 2014, 21:27
Jamie mate, you have no idea, how big is the jump, from the 4s to the 6. You need to try it to believe it ;)

I look at my old 4S now and think wow that's a little toy phone!

21st October 2014, 21:30
And the crazy thing is that, my 6 has costs me much less than what I paid for my 4s ! I have paid 5400kr for my 6, while I paid 6700kr for my 4s, 3 years ago ! :crazy:

21st October 2014, 21:34
4.7' screens used to be big... 4 years ago :p:

21st October 2014, 21:35
4.7' screens used to be big... 4 years ago :p:

That's why iphone comes in 4.7 and 5.5. Personally I think 4.7 is about right as I had 5.1 and found it too big. If I wanted a bigger screen I would have got one.

21st October 2014, 21:38
Here's my review : the iPhone 6, is an amazing beautiful fast device, period ! :D

21st October 2014, 21:42
Here's my review : the iPhone 6, is an amazing beautiful fast device, period ! :D

+ cheap :p:

22nd October 2014, 09:30
Well I've got my case, and I have to say from 1 hours use it's a thumbs down so far. It's ok around the back and sides but there's a lip all the way around the front which interferes with using the screen.

22nd October 2014, 09:31
Here's my review : the iPhone 6, is an amazing beautiful fast device, period ! :D

Always nice to have in depth analysis from our Denmark correspondent :D

22nd October 2014, 09:53
Denmark correspondent -> Italian tourist :p:

22nd October 2014, 10:25
Denmark correspondent -> Italian tourist :p:

Finally ! :p:

22nd October 2014, 10:47

Looks like this is the end of the line for Nokia phones :(. Since Microsoft took over they are now going to drop the Nokia name and the phones will be Microsoft Lumia instead. Of course Microsoft didn't buy the entire company, just the part that makes phones it's quite possible that this was always the plan, that they would only be allowed to use the Nokia name for a short while.

Nokia is still a big company and does mapping and network infrastructure, but the demise of the Nokia brand can show how the mighty call fall so quickly, the likes of Apple and Google should take note!

22nd October 2014, 11:09
Was just thinking back to how many Nokia's I've owned over the years, and it's quite a few as Nokia was synonymous with mobile phones for well over a decade, so here's my list

3330 http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/no3330.gif
Was actually my Dad's phone and for many was their first foray into owning a mobile. Was very basic and weighed a tonne but did the job. Have memories of going to some of the first forum meetups at touring car races carrying one of these in my pocket.

6310i http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/no6310i.gif
Until I got my iPhone 4S this was the phone I used for the longest time, about 3 years I think. Did everything you needed at the time and had a battery life of about a week! Only really got rid of it when the screen smashed - just like my 4S!

3230 http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/no3230.gif
Got this as my first foray into the new big thing of colour screens! It may have been cheaply made and underpowered, but it was a very innovative phone for it's time, running Symbian it was one of the first you could get where you could load software onto it (the term 'apps' hadn't really been coined yet), I remember running TomTom satnav on it, even though it required a seperate GPS reciever!

N73 http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/nokia-n73.gif
Kind of building on the 3230 I actually really liked this phone, never gave me any trouble and running the same symbian you could load the likes of TomTom, digital bedside clocks etc, and it's the phone where I first downloaded the viewranger UK maps, which I still use on my iPhone today. I actually had two of them as after one broke after a year I got another one! Main drawback as with my Nokia things as it had a lot of features but they never really worked properly, I was never able to get emails working for example, neither on this phone or the N96/N97 whereas on my first iPhone 'it just worked'.

N96 http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/nokia-n96.jpg
Bigger screen and a slider phone, better than the N73 as it had wifi and GPS onboard, but it did suffer from being cheaply made with cheap plastic, while I didn't dislike it it's the only phone I've had for less than a year - 8 months I think it was.

N97 http://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/bigpic/nokia-n97.jpg
This was the big Nokia flagship phone that promised so much and yet delivered so little. Touch screen with flip out keyboard it was meant to take on both the iPhone and the Blackberry at the same time, and spectacularly failed on both fronts. OS which was not designed for touch screen was hacked to make it work and was chock full of bugs, and lots of stuff - such as the GPS which just didn't work at all. Not to mention it being so slow due to vastly under specced hardware. It was this phone above all else that made myself and I know many others, finally give up their loyalty to Nokia for the majority of the year or so I had the phone I was waiting for the iPhone 4 to be released, which I got on the day of release and never looked back.

Since the Nokias I've had iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 6.

It's a shame, but as ever it's a story of missed opportunity as Nokia had one of the first smartphone platforms, yet loading apps required you connecting a cable and downloading install files from random websites, who had to have their own payments system as there was no central app store. When Nokia finally did set one up Apple's app store was already dominant.

It was obvious that they would face challenges, but nobody could have possibly predicted that in the middle of the last decade that in the middle of the next, Nokia mobile phones would cease to exist. RIP Nokia.

22nd October 2014, 13:07
I'm not all sorry the current phone business is over for Nokia, they grew too large and became too corporate.

I do think they aren't done with phone business on consumer products, just that there is no point in hopping on current technology. Smartphones haven't really had anything new for few years now, just bigger and faster models, kind of like in the late 90's and early 2000's

22nd October 2014, 15:00
Another article here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29724072

It seems MS had an agreement to use the Nokia name for 10 years, but is phasing it out after less than one. Does make you wonder why, I'm guessing they figured it wasn't really adding anything to their proposition?

22nd October 2014, 16:08
I guess having another company's name in your products isn't something the bosses ant MS want to see. :)

23rd October 2014, 17:49
It does seem that as a company Nokia is doing very nicely thankyouverymuch without the mobile business http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/23/nokia_soars_after_ditching_phone_albatross/

29th October 2014, 08:57
Was just thinking back to how many Nokia's I've owned over the years, and it's quite a few as Nokia w......... RIP Nokia.

same here, my first ever phone back in 2000 was the brick, Nokia 5150
Also had the 3310 after Mumbai monsoons killed the brick :D - this worked for a long time, only moved to Sony Ericsson later on (T200 and my last phone which I lost K something or the other).

I am back on Nokia now though, for the last year have had a Lumia. Good phone for the price, although my next one will not be a Microsoft/Nokia child..Although when that will happen I don't know since I rarely change phones for the sake of it. (I dislike Apple and more so it's fanboys who line up overnight for something as mundane as a phone, but I have a morbid fascination about their stuff...I have silently decided that I want to own a Macbook someday...iPhone, hmmmm you never know)

29th October 2014, 12:25
Actually these days people with Apple stuff just get on with it and it's those who want to bash Apple products who are the most vocal about it.

29th October 2014, 13:55
Actually these days people with Apple stuff just get on with it and it's those who want to bash Apple products who are the most vocal about it.

But then again, that is how this thread started. ;)

There are fanatics on both sides of the camp IMO, and I'd never wait in line for a phone or other such thing. And now having both Apple and Android I use on a regular basis, I can see the up and down sides to both.

30th October 2014, 18:26
27th January 2010, 16:40

Personally I see this as the first flop for Apple after a long string of successes.

What does the iPad do that people want it to do?

Yes, this is how it started. :D But Daniel has a Subaru (or did), so he's still a good guy in my eyes. I wouldn't take tech or investing advice from him. But he's a good egg at heart.

30th October 2014, 22:57
Apple Boss: I'm Gay And I Want To Inspire People (http://news.sky.com/story/1363426/apple-boss-im-gay-and-i-want-to-inspire-people)

A message to Pino and Mark? :p: :laugh: :devil:

31st October 2014, 12:42
Yes, this is how it started. :D But Daniel has a Subaru (or did), so he's still a good guy in my eyes. I wouldn't take tech or investing advice from him. But he's a good egg at heart.

I think at the time pretty much everyone had no idea what the iPad was really for, as apart from a few clunky examples, tablets weren't really around. So Apple invented a new market and were hugely successful, so much so that they've achieved the rarest of things in that the name iPad is now often used to refer to all types of touchscreen tablet computers. "I got a Surface Pro", "What's that?" "Well it's like an iPad".

I don't know how others use them but in our house the iPad is like the sofa computer, you don't want to be doing serious work on it, but you can be using it to browse the web / play games etc. Which has resulted in me not really watching entire TV series!

donKey jote
1st November 2014, 00:49
I managed to hold out quite a bit before buying my first ipad to surf, app and watch UK TV programs on.
I had to get another one a couple of months later as my missus kept nicking it to watch Spanish TV.
And I've since given my parents yet another to replace phone calls with FaceTime.

... But I still hate apple/iTunes with a passion :-p

3rd November 2014, 17:59
I managed to hold out quite a bit before buying my first ipad to surf, app and watch UK TV programs on.
I had to get another one a couple of months later as my missus kept nicking it to watch Spanish TV.
And I've since given my parents yet another to replace phone calls with FaceTime.

... But I still hate apple/iTunes with a passion :-p

If you hate iTunes, that just makes you normal. Only some sort of masochist could like that clunky piece of bloatware.

Personally, I don't care if Cook shows up to work in a dress as long as he keeps the stock price up... AND FIXES iTUNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've given up on him getting Apple TV to be worth my time. I've given it three years now and still nothing. So I'm ordering a Roku box on Black Friday.

4th November 2014, 00:11
iTunes is full of DRM and this cannot be fixed.


20th November 2014, 17:20
I'm fed up with the Maps navigator's poor performance in my Sony, some problems are due to phone, some due to Android 4.3 not fixing onto Glonass satellites and one problem is lack of proper off-line maps
I've tried Garmin's navigator and now I installed Nokia Here Beta software into my phone. Didn't get a good start, This morning it refused to create a route to an address when I tried it on my way to work :)

I tried it again at home and it worked, then walked to my car 50 meters away and again it didn't want to create routes.

After a short drive I closed the program and opened it again, and now it worked.
There seems to be some beta-features still on non-Samsung phones.

When it had a route to follow, it work's quite well. I'll keep this one and see how it works out in the future.

Big Ben
21st November 2014, 09:28
My HTC One X died 9 days before the warranty expired. I'm waiting now for the verdict.

TBH I got kind of tired of it lately. They battery was really bad. I had to recharge it twice or 3 times a day and calculating distance in time and space from an outlet became part of my daily routine. Other than that I wasn't a big fan of HTC's Sense UI but it was bearable and disregarding the battery I really liked this phone. I wouldn't have minded keeping it at least another year.

I really don't want to buy a new phone but I might have to now. If I were loaded then the choice would be simple: Nexus 6. But I'm not so now I'm vacillating between Galaxy S4, LG G3 or Note 3... I'd really love a phone with a big replaceable battery.

But maybe I'm lucky enough and that warranty is worth something more than the paper it was written on.

24th November 2014, 06:38
Maybe I've already asked (hey, I forget things these days), but has anyone here tried the BlackBerry Passport? And when you port Android apps onto a BlackBerry, do you run the risk of compromising the security of the phone? I guess it depends on the app, huh? If you get a dodgy app from Google Play (or some place else), then I guess you get got. But what about the BlackBerry Passport otherwise?

I'll stick with the iPhone 6 for awhile, but for some reason, I like what BlackBerry is doing now. The hate I had for it during the CrackBerry days is pretty much gone.

24th November 2014, 07:59
My HTC One X died 9 days before the warranty expired. I'm waiting now for the verdict.

TBH I got kind of tired of it lately. They battery was really bad. I had to recharge it twice or 3 times a day and calculating distance in time and space from an outlet became part of my daily routine. Other than that I wasn't a big fan of HTC's Sense UI but it was bearable and disregarding the battery I really liked this phone. I wouldn't have minded keeping it at least another year.

I really don't want to buy a new phone but I might have to now. If I were loaded then the choice would be simple: Nexus 6. But I'm not so now I'm vacillating between Galaxy S4, LG G3 or Note 3... I'd really love a phone with a big replaceable battery.

But maybe I'm lucky enough and that warranty is worth something more than the paper it was written on.

If you didn't like HTC sense then avoid Samsung, which is horrible in comparison. LG, HTC, Sony or Nexus is the way. Personally I'd go a Nexus 5 (or the big 6)

24th November 2014, 08:18
I joined the iPhone 6 club too back on September 19th and my pre order was delivered on time unlike several of my friends. Carphone warehouse messed up my wife's order too and it didn't arrive, although after emailing their chief executive they sent one of the only gold 64GB's in the country next day, or so they said. Several of my mates ordered through Phones 4 U which we know now went into liquidation, but thankfully they paid on credit cards so they didn't lose their money, thousands did though.

Right iPhone 6. It's better than the iPhone 5 I had based on speed, but it's largely the same, which is no bad thing as I loved the previous phone. The size jump wasn't welcome at first as I hate large phones but slowly I have got used to it. It hasn't bent yet either despite being carried in mostly skinny jeans. A guy who works with me has the iPhone 6 Plus and he bent it so bad the internals popped out, but he did have it in his back pocket as he threw himself into a car, what a tw@. I've also dropped mine 3 times now and it hasn't smashed so that's a good thing. All in all it's a brilliant phone and I would recommend it to anybody including Pino who I swayed in the right direction a couple of months back. Hope you are enjoying it dude. Looks like Pino, Mark and myself all have exquisite taste. ;)

Big Ben
24th November 2014, 09:47
iPhone? Thanks but I have plenty of things I'd spent my money on before a shiny logo :laugh:

24th November 2014, 15:00
iPhone? Thanks but I have plenty of things I'd spent my money on before a shiny logo :laugh:
Well that's fab. :)

25th November 2014, 08:41
Hey henners mate, nice to read you again. Yes I do enjoy my iPhone 6 a lot. I am especially glad for the great camera, as you have noticed on facebook. What else can I say ? It's beautiful, well built, fit in any trousers I wear, it's damn fast...just can't be more satisfied. Thanks for your recommendation ! :up:

Big Ben
4th December 2014, 10:23
HTC decided to replace my broken HTC one x with a HTC one m8.... So all things considered I'm quite glad the old one broke :p. The timing was perfect :laugh:. I've been playing with the M8 for a couple of days now and I like it. It looks good and behaves well. I still didn't get used with having a phone that doesn't have to be recharged twice or 3 times a day... In fact after more than 24 hours of moderate use it still has 54% battery juice left in it. It's quite odd that the front camera has 5 megapixels while the main camera has just 4. I'm not much of a selfie guy or make too many video calls so this isn't that useful to me.

4th December 2014, 12:46
The M8 is a very nice phone. A colleague of mine has one so I have played with the device quite a bit. Sounds like you had an excellent deal and I wish HTC had customer service like that when I owned their phones. Good to see they have improved. :)

Big Ben
4th December 2014, 23:25
I'm sure they were delighted to replace a phone that broke down 9 days before the warranty expired :D.

5th December 2014, 08:55
I'm sure they were delighted to replace a phone that broke down 9 days before the warranty expired :D.
A few years ago my wife's iPhone 4's button broke about 2 weeks before the standard warranty expired. Apple changed it and she got a brand new phone that ironically is still working well for her mother who now owns it. Its always nice to get a good deal and piece of mind that you'll get a replacement under warranty.

I had a HTC Tattoo phone back in 2009 and it was always playing up. It finally died at only 7 months old and HTC wouldn't replace it unless they had tried to repair it 2 or 3 times. I had quite a wrangle with them over it so in your case it is good to see they have taken influence from other manufacturers that simply offer a straight swap. :)

20th December 2014, 23:05
Hey henners mate, nice to read you again. Yes I do enjoy my iPhone 6 a lot. I am especially glad for the great camera, as you have noticed on facebook. What else can I say ? It's beautiful, well built, fit in any trousers I wear, it's damn fast...just can't be more satisfied. Thanks for your recommendation ! :up:

Even your "skinny jeans"? :D

27th December 2014, 19:08
Any of my fellow iPhone 6 owners have any (easy) suggestions for preserving battery life on this iDevice? I've cut down screen brightness as much as I can. And I disable certain functions when I don't need them (like Bluetooth).

27th December 2014, 19:24
I turn off gps on apps I don't use regularly, and also background app refresh on most apps except things like social media and email. I have my screen down to just under halfway and also turn reduce motion on in settings. My battery will last an entire day no problem. :)

27th December 2014, 20:39
I turn off gps on apps I don't use regularly, and also background app refresh on most apps except things like social media and email. I have my screen down to just under halfway and also turn reduce motion on in settings. My battery will last an entire day no problem. :)

Thank you, sir. I went on a journey to find those (and found some other neat stuff along the way :), but done and done.

29th January 2015, 15:15

Firstly Steve it should be called an iPod Touch jumbo because that's what it is and secondly Tablet PC's are crap unless you're using it as a replacement for a clipboard and how often do most people need clipboards?

This was posted 5 years ago. How things have changed since then eh!

29th January 2015, 16:31
This was posted 5 years ago. How things have changed since then eh!

These stupid Ipod touch jumbos will never gain market share or be widely accepted!

Well, except for reality anyway.

I have an iPad issued from work, and it's great for what we do. It makes tons of information available to me without carrying paper, the camera and scanner interface with our apps for payments and such, and the integration and handshake with the iPhone are seamless and easy. In my field most people that have any type of device other than a pad consider them too bulky and hate them. They often resort to using old school paper methods and transferring the information at a desk. We use voice commands to make our notes and just edit where the voice screws up later.

As for keyboards, quite a few get them and keep them in their work bag for when the pad is used while stationary.

Other than my daughter, who for years had an iPod touch and then later an iPhone, me and my wife have had Android devices. I see upsides and downsides to either myself, but I think the reason the Apple devices are preferred by many businesses is that they have limited options for hardware, ensuring software is compatible across the board. This also makes for easy training if needed, with more uniformity between devices.

Android is very capable and easier to customize, but lacks uniformity unless you found a platform that rarely changes. For people writing apps, that could be a nightmare. The same applies to training or troubleshooting. With so many options, there is more an end user can change.

Big Ben
12th March 2015, 14:08

23rd March 2015, 07:48
Cracked the screen of my Lumia 520. Just checked changing the screen/touchpad is going to cost me more than half the cost of a budget android (like a Moto E/Redmi). So bye bye Windows Phone. I think I'll use the old symbian Nokia/Sony Ericsson lying around at home for a while before figuring out what to buy next.

Alex Lee
16th April 2015, 09:54
I think HTC desire is very good...no issue till now...

20th April 2015, 17:18
I think I'll be buying a new phone, I'm thinking of getting Sony M4 Aqua when it's released in few weeks time.

The current phone is nearly impossible to use as a navigator, I'm thinking it's got more problems than just the Android 4.3 lack of Glonass support. I have probably dropped it once too often... :)

22nd April 2015, 19:27
A question for all who have smartphones, of any type: what is your average battery life (in hours) with moderate use?

Big Ben
22nd April 2015, 22:01
I'd say 48 hours for my HTC one m8... But moderate use may mean different things to different people :p

22nd April 2015, 22:12
I'm on about 35% by the evening of late and that's with the occasional web surf in the day, tapatalk here and there, sending about 30 texts, 45 min of calls etc. As long as I can get to the evening on a charge I don't care really and I still have plenty of battery left. :)

1st May 2015, 21:08
Thanks, guys. I've been trying to figure out if my particular iPhone 6 has an issue with the battery or if what I'm experiencing is normal. I've turned off every feature that I can (and still maintain basic usability). But compared to my 4th gen iPod Touch and my iPad Mini Retina, the iPhone's battery life is dramatically lower. Talking on the phone doesn't hurt it at all. Texting doesn't deplete it too bad. But any sort of prolonged web surfing or app use seems to kill it within about 3-4 hours. When I'm off site now (or at home), I try to make sure I have my iPad with me if I think I'll need to web surf or use an app for any length of time. I have to be able to talk on the phone and can't afford to have a dead battery or be tied to a wall charger.

Time for a battery pack case or a trip to an Apple store, I guess.

1st May 2015, 23:40
My battery (iPhone 6) last an whole day, unless I take lots of pics. Otherwise I can surf on web, playing music, chatting, and take some photos without any problems. Rarely i have less than 35/40 % before bed time. Yes I am quite satisfied ! :)

1st May 2015, 23:55
Well, after buying so many Apple devices over the years, I guess I was bound to get a dud sooner or later. I'll stop by an Apple store while my warranty is still in affect and let them run some tests or whatever they can do.

5th October 2015, 07:26
Finally bit the android bullet and got the Galaxy Note 5.

Battery life is fine at working, without wifi. At home the phone drains like crazy, I'll lose 30% without touching the phone for a couple of hours. Screen has an uneven tint: a pink bottom (apparently everyone has pink), a yellow mid section, and gets whiter at the top.

And to top all that off I've now got contact dermatitis which I suspect is from the phone.

Don't ditch Apple guys!

5th October 2015, 22:44
Finally bit the android bullet and got the Galaxy Note 5.

Don't ditch Apple guys!

Don't you worry, I am not crazy...nor a stupid ! :p:

6th October 2015, 02:28
I cracked the screen of my Lumia few months ago, got it replaced and smashed it last month yet again :\ So last month finally moved to Android with a cheapo Lenovo...Went and smashed it's screen on the pavement last week :eek:

Bought a Moto G 4G now....seems ok, except for the the stupid Google search bar at the top which won't go away because this is a real android :s

7th October 2015, 11:57
Bought a Moto G 4G now....seems ok, except for the the stupid Google search bar at the top which won't go away because this is a real android :s

Can't you install a different launcher to get rid of it?

7th October 2015, 16:18
That's what I did finally...anyways the stock android icons were too large ..but now the camera won't launch from the nova launcher and suddenly the speaker volume has gone way down...not sure if that is in anyway related to the launcher though.

8th October 2015, 18:50
Don't you worry, I am not crazy...nor a stupid ! :p:

Me neither I love my iPhone 6!

I was mighty impressed with the Galaxy S6 my mate bought. Premium feel that is almost on par with Apple. Shame he's shown me the lag and stuttering it has with very little stored on it. It's things like this that prevent me taking a gamble with Android again. I often get tempted but I know what I'm getting with the iPhone and it's a pleasure to use. :)

9th October 2015, 18:53
So last month finally moved to Android

I have to applaud the decision to ditch Micro$oft and then disdain Apple :smokin:

10th October 2015, 05:21
^I moved to Fedora on my PC 3 years ago and that's the best thing I've done (although painful to begin with :p: )

19th October 2015, 18:24
Finally bit the android bullet and got the Galaxy Note 5.

Battery life is fine at working, without wifi. At home the phone drains like crazy, I'll lose 30% without touching the phone for a couple of hours. Screen has an uneven tint: a pink bottom (apparently everyone has pink), a yellow mid section, and gets whiter at the top.

And to top all that off I've now got contact dermatitis which I suspect is from the phone.

Don't ditch Apple guys!

If he was still here, this is a statement that would make Daniel's day:

I want to try a BlackBerry Passport so bad that I can taste it. I understand that certain Android apps can be ported onto it, but I have no idea how complicated (or reliable) that is. The main thing I like about iOS is the app reliability and performance, compared to *some* Android apps, of different vintages, I've seen on Android phones I've played with. Plus, I'm not sure how much using Android apps on a BlackBerry defeats the inherent security of the BlackBerry OS. I just don't know. I wouldn't ditch my iPhone, but I wouldn't mind having a Passport just to see what it's all about and if it would fit my needs & wants. I admit that I'm a John Chen fanboi. I really like the way that guy operates. I really wish that he was running Apple. I see Cook as a very good financial engineer, but who doesn't have much of a clue about how to make deals (media content) or make a bang in successfully bringing a product to market (watch, ApplePay, etc.). Just relying on bigger, thinner iPhones and jumbo iPads is going to run its course sooner than later, IMO.

Anyway, I'm still on Verizon for now, so I don't guess I have to worry about it. But does anyone here have a Passport? Do you like it?

20th October 2015, 02:31
Blackberry? Why?

20th October 2015, 11:59
Just 'cause I like to be different.

I hated them with a passion when they were all the rage (CrackBerry addicts). But now that nobody else wants them, I want one! OK, maybe instead of "different", I'm just strange. Well, that, and they have killer battery life from what I've read.

Big Ben
20th October 2015, 15:40
I'd be careful. Nowadays samsung gives you dermatitis. I'm sure you can get leprosy from a blackberry

20th October 2015, 16:02
I'm just strange. Well, that, and they have killer battery life from what I've read.

I went with a WinPhone for my 1st smartphone...now finally I am using android and find its much better though. But yeah I am like you in certain things, trying to swim against the tide (resolutely holding on to the no Apple thing which might be broken by a Mac someday :s )

20th October 2015, 21:24
Is anybody using Apple Pay or any other phone thingy to pay with at the tills? I've had Apple pay for a few weeks now and my only criticism is the £30 limit. It's fast and means you don't have to touch the grubby chip and pin terminals. It's really good.

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd November 2015, 23:26
I've just switched from Android to a Windows Phone Lumia. Some of the features are really growing on me and I'm happy I made the switch. Glance screen, downloadable maps, onedrive, Cortana, the swypey keyboard thingy.

It also seems to have a lot less lag than Android. But that could be because I'm comparing a new phone to a 2 year old phone. The main reason why I ditched android was 'insufficient memory available' error when I was trying to download apps even though I had lots of memory available.

11th December 2015, 19:21
I finally updated my iPhone 6 to iOS 9.1. The biggest complaint that I've had since getting this phone has been poor battery life. After this update, the battery life has improved by leaps and bounds. It's pretty amazing. I hate what they've done to the Music app. But I'm very pleased not to have to watch the battery meter begin dropping as soon as I turn the phone on.

11th December 2015, 20:47
Actually the new IOS version available is 9.2 :)

21st December 2015, 16:34
I always wait at least a week or two to make sure there aren't any "bugs that brick" in the updates. I'm on 9.2 now and so far, so good. I can't believe what a difference the 9x update has meant to battery life though. I'm very pleased!

27th February 2017, 06:10
Nokia 3310 mobile phone resurrected at MWC 2017

New version of the 3310 available. Actually a cheap Android phone in a case which looks like a 3310. But at £45 not bad!

3rd March 2017, 18:32
that is actually brilliant..there are always people with the nostalgia factor (3310 was my 2nd phone after the cordless type 5510) - as well as perhaps being a seller in poor nations (!)

11th April 2017, 07:52
The iPod Classic (stylized and marketed as iPod classic and formerly just iPod) is a portable media player created and formerly marketed by Apple Inc.

There were six generations of the iPod Classic, as well as a spin-off (the iPod Photo) that was later re-integrated into the main iPod line. All generations used a 1.8-inch (46 mm) hard drive for storage. The "classic" suffix was formally introduced with the roll out of the sixth-generation iPod on September 5, 2007.[2] Prior to this, all iPod Classic models were simply referred to as iPods. It was available in silver or black replacing the "signature iPod white".

On September 9, 2014, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic.[1][4] The sixth-generation 160GB iPod Classic was the last Apple product in the iPod line to use the original 30-pin iPod connector and the iconic Click Wheel.

14th April 2017, 06:02
The iPod touch 3rd Generation (Late 2009) models -- please note that this model does not have 3G networking support -- were marketed with an increased emphasis on gaming rather than the "iPhone without a phone" pitch provided by previous iPod touch models. Nevertheless, they offer much of the same functionality of the iPhone 3GS, minus the "phone", mobile phone networking (3G/EDGE), A-GPS, digital compass, and integrated camera.