Merc doesn't deserve any hassle for telling Hamilton he needed to be faster . They were obligated to do so .
As a team , they acted to secure the best result they could , and to do otherwise was to be unfair to one driver .

To add to the idea , it should be understood that they actually had financial incentive to get fewer points in this race , as the entry fee is calculated partially on them , so to have encouraged the move would possibly have resulted in it being seen as a very cynical , and not very sporting idea .

They didn't want to , but they had to .

Looking back now , they told him not to try it early in the race , as they'd have pit strategy to counter it .
But , I think they expected it near the end , as Lewis had no other choice .

If they don't accept a "sorry , but I had no choice" , and actually sanction him , then perhaps they deserve a donkey .