Gran Canaria politician assumes that the WRC will visit the island of Gran Canaria next year:

Aridany Romero, Sports Councilor of the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, was one of the guests of Televisión Canaria during the broadcasting of the TransGranCanaria, an event supported by the island's political institution.

At one point of the interview, he was praising the achievements harvested by sportsmen of the round island as well as the projects that are being worked on for the future, such as trying to bring to Gran Canaria the Vuelta Clclista de España, the Copa del Rey de Basket, the Football World Cup 2030 or the World Rally Championship

The journalist Jesús Alberto Rodríguez, head of sports of Radio Televisión Canaria said in a joking tone that it was necessary to stop asking him about more topics because he might even bring Formula One, to which Romero answered: "Not Formula One, but the WRC is coming next year to Gran Canaria", in reference to the options that the Rally Islas Canarias has of being able to host the World Rally Championship (WRC).