Quote Originally Posted by Zico View Post
My comment was firmly tongue in cheek...
Merc had a humongous performance advantage over everyone else for most of these years.
You know it.. so why pretend it was all because of Lewis? This is why I can never take you seriously.
I knew what you were up to buddy, hence the reverse tongue in cheek.

But seriously, Vettel in the Ferrari should have won in 2018 or 2019 when the Ferrari was marginally faster than the Mercedes in a straight line. Everyone l know harps about "if Alonso was in that Ferrari, he would have won one of those seasons!". There was very little doubt that Mercedes was on their back foot in 2021 but clawed forward to a winning poisition until the very last lap of the season when it was snatched from Hamilton. But then again l am talking to a wall as you are blindsighted to anything Hamilton.