Quote Originally Posted by bluuford View Post
In Kenya, after sitting around the bonfire with some beers I had an idea for gravel rallies. Sunday should have at least 3 stages. We continue with normal starting order until the powerstage regroup... Then your position on powerstage can be decided on 1.otion: Reverse order of Sunday results (the fastest during Sunday gets the best positions); 2. Option: As all the drivers are in regroup anyway, they can create a show event where they choose start positions like in ERC. Then it adds a lot of tactic.. if there is no service, you have to make sure you still have good enough tires for Sunday. You have to be sure that when you start later there is no rain expected etc. That should pretty much end Sunday cruising and make a lot of fun just before powerstage and during powerstage as well.
I actually really like the idea 1. Should prevent at least most of the crews cruising around on Sunday.