For a while, I've been wanting to take a look at drivers who against all expectations, suddenly enjoyed a great season, seemingly out of the blue, and surprising most people.

I am thinking of people who suddenly had a superb season, but afterwards never lived up to it again.

I have in mind Ukyo Katayama and his 1994 season for Tyrrell. This has always intrigued me, and a while back f1rejects also posted an article about it! (such a shame they closed down - I think it's because of Bernie, shame on him!)

Katayama wasn't particularly rated, but suddenly had the beating of Blundell all season long, a regular fixture in the top 10 on the grid, including two 5ths (almost 3rd in Hungary). Such a shame then, that he spoiled it with so many errors. Then after

Johnny Herbert in 1997 is another interesting case, suddenly looking very strong indeed. It seems a lot of it was due to his great ability to preserve his tyres, a huge bonus in tyre war 1997. So many strong weekends, finishing races right in the mix of McLarens, Benettons, Ferraris, even Williams. Yet he never looked so good again, save for a few races at the end of 1999.

I guess Frentzen in 1999 counts too, since he never really looked so good after that.

Maybe Maldonado in 2012? Seems a similar case to Katayama. Look at the gulf in speed between him and Bruno Senna that year, but lost a lot of points too.

I wonder if Ricciardo 2014 could end up under this?!! Or even Rosberg 2014 (though I think his 2010 season was fantastic).

Would love to hear some more examples from you guys and gals. They can be any motorsport I guess.