Quote Originally Posted by leighton323
How do i test it outside the game? and what is the AC adpater? Sorry complete newbie, i bought it second hand and my brother picked it up so i'm hoping everything was included and there was nothing left out. I have the wheel and pedals with the wheel connecting to the computer through a USB and a power cord that connects to the wheel also. That is all
AC adapter is the power cord. One thing that my Driving Force GT does when I connect the power cord (and it is already connected to computer via USB) is that it goes from lock to lock and back to center automatically using FFB. But if it is already close to its center of axis it doesn't do that. Also if you have power on the wheel and you try to turn it you should plenty of resistance (and once you let the wheel go it will return to center), if it isn't powered then it is very easy to turn the wheel and it will not auto-center.

OK, go to control panel of windows and under "devices and printers" you should have "driving force GT" under there when you have it connected. Right click on "driving force GT" and select "game control settings". A new window should open called "game controllers". There select driving force GT and click on properties and another windows should open. There you can see the inputs for the wheel. Go through all the buttons on your wheel and all the wheels axis are reported correctly (press and depress brake and throttle pedal, turn the wheel from lock to lock).

If they are all reported correctly then the problems are with RBR if not then the problems are with the drivers for the wheels which didn't install correctly or the other option is that the wheel itself could be defective.

In the years I've used RBR I haven't had problems with RBR not reporting the wheels correctly. Before starting RBR I always check under control panel that all the axis are reported correctly and then I launch RBR. If the controllers is shown under "game controllers" then they are "seen" by RBR and they should work.

If the drivers are at fault, then uninstall all the drivers, restart the computer and reinstall the drivers (remember to plug in the wheel to your computer only when the installation program asks for this). You might want to disable your anti-virus during the installation process because sometimes they can interfere with the installation process.

I tried to explain all this the best I can but I don't know if it is all understandable. If you have any question then ask.