I think Vettel has shown he is a great driver in a great car. But so far he is also a good or decent driver in something less than a great car. To me, if you want to be considered an all-time great you have to do amazing things with poor material, and it's not like last year's RBR started off that bad. Still, he's still young and have time for improvement. A couple of seasons ago he couldn't overtake to save his life and well, that's changed. In any case I think he has been very fortunate to have had as much success as he's had, considering it's not really until the last year or so that I've started having some confidence in him as an all-round driver.

But he seriously needs to get over himself. Half the time he acts like a spoiled child and half he puts on a fake show that is just cringe-inducing to watch or hear. It just gets so incredibly tiresome to hear him try to joke or laugh away all bad things that he does, it lends him no gravitas what so ever. Equally, for how long has his post-race celebrations seemed completely disingenuous? Grow up, man. When he takes the flag and just tells the team "Awesome job, on to the next one" or something to that effect, give me a call. Until then I'll just sit back and enjoy people booing at him when he's on the podium.