I was there Sunday and Monday and had a good couple of days with nearly 700 photos too sort through. Sunday was a great day although yesterday was a bit disjointed.

The rate of attrition was very high, particularly noticeable in Top Fuel bike and the way the ladder made it work in Pro Mod perhaps made it seem worse. Some stunning runs with a wonderful swansong for Spuffard and the Showtime crew. The technological improvements seem to be paying off on the newer cars and the early signs are for a great year of Top Fuel action. Some good improvements over the winter continue to make a difference and Santa Pod is very proactive in promotion of both the racing and off track action.

It was interesting to see the well placed advertising by the drive for the BTCC at Rockingham.

With Saturday night spent at Brandon for the F1 stox and a couple of days at the Pod it was high octane Easter for me.

You have an excellent shot of my hat Steve what lens were you using because the compression is very noticeable my head is just left of the back of Hakan's car but I was about 30 or 40 feet this side. I would suspect something about a 400mm plus the digital difference.
