Quote Originally Posted by janvanvurpa
knockie, I said I wouldn't normally comment on spelling and grammar, not me who spells and hacks grammar in so many languages and this isn't "about" spelling --it accepts the "alternate" spelling and is poking fun at that since for the bulk of "those kind" of "merikuns" it actually seems more appropriate..

Only way the half of the country who are not Zombie jeebus lovin armed to the teeth and screaming "but I haib't 'fraid a nobody!!" Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist Nazi " can resolve all the lunacy of "those sort" is with very broad front humor...

And yes its a serious subject----but "those sort" have consistantly hi-jacked any thread showing any shock or dismay at the plight of the 10s of thousands of victims, into a simple minded blind-rigid assertion that their right to own a gun is far more important than the thousands of deaths of inncocents yearly...

Indeed since this last 2 threads aboput victims started there was a THIRD shooting by of child within less than 50Km from here. This one fatal.

Yeah its fawking serious for those who don't live in a idealised, theoretical, fantasy world.

Bitch at them, Knockie not us who in our own way try to bring and maintain HUMAN reactions to these insane pointless deaths.
Good Lord what a bunch of self serving clap trap.

No one has said they don't have sympathy for the victims. No one has said the original post wasn't a tragedy. No one has said that all these gun crimes are not senseless.

All anyone is saying is that it doesn't make sense to have a knee-jerk reaction to these type of tragedies and propose to take away all legally held guns. Perhaps there are other factors involved in these acts other than the gun? Perhaps there are socio-economic factors that are at the root of this stuff? But yeah, let's just demonize guns, and anyone that happens to own one simply because YOU don't agree with gun ownership. Or perhaps the real root cause of your hatred of guns is the fact that you yourself are 'fraid of 'em?

But yeah go ahead and make a big "joke" out of a mis-spelled word. Because that's all you've got. You can't have a serious discussion about anything. The last post you made before you went off on your "joke" was about how the Founders of this country somehow didn't give a damn about individual rights because of a phrase "common defense", and naming States Commonwealths. Then when you are challenged on that, you ignore it, and go off on your "superiority" rant (all cloaked in a "joke" of course).

You sir, are the joke, and not a funny one at that.

And now, oh so predictably, here comes good 'ole Janvan back again with more drivel about how I'm some sort of hick that doesn't know one end of a pencil from the other. How about trying to actually have a rational debate about issues? Oh that would be much too hard for you seeing as how you can not handle anyone challenging you on anything.