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  1. #1

    Tips for Creating a Fresh Look on Your Abstract Oil Painting Art

    Place your abstract oil painting in a different environment. Maybe even at anther place in the same room.
    Place it upside down, and regard it as an abstract work. How is the balance, the colors, are there dead spots?
    Trace dead spots, by blocking parts of your painting with your hand (stretched somewhere in front of you". Does you work improve by blocking out a spot for your oil paintings art? Then you've located the problem.
    Place it next to another painting, your own or someone else's. In this way, you can learn about the meaning of your abstract oil painting art.
    Do you have good light? If you don't have direct daylight, invest in a good daylight lamp. Then you can see what you're doing with your abstract oil painting.
    Frame it as if it's finished, eventually hang it up in an exhibition (or somewhere in the house).

  2. #2
    I love abstract oil paintings!!

    I have huge collection of oil paintings!!

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