Quote Originally Posted by Jason Plato
Dear All,

During the course of a race weekend I give as much time as I can to sign autographs and chat with fans, however, please try and understand that I have a job to do. I have a comitment to Chevrolet, RML, Silverline and all our sponsors. When I appear from the pit garage it doesn't mean I am available to sign autographs, I have meetings and debriefs to attend. We have 3 races during the day and a tremendous amount of time needs to be given to my team. That is why there is a specific autograph session scheduled in the timetable, where I can give my undivided attention to the fans.

I am sorry I cannot sign autographs for everyone. But please try and understand that if I stop for one, then I have to stop for all and nearly every time I refuse I am heading for a meeting or in the middle of something.

Hope the above clears matters up.

Jason Plato
good luck for the rest of the season Jason and thank you for clearing things up

i think i can safely say...Case closed