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  1. #1
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    Will Power For F1

    He is a naturally fast aggressive race driver that has excelled in every type of motorsport he has driven in.

    Is the time coming for him to have a chance in F1?


  2. #2
    Senior Member Ranger's Avatar
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    Several things:

    1) When Bourdais won 4 CCWS titles, it was two competing and comparitively weak series. No one is certain of the strength of the new, re-united IndyCar series, and not many people in pitlane would be ready to take that gamble.

    2) Power is 28. Not old by any stretch but it isn't doing him any favours.

    3) He is driving Penske's 3rd car. His pit crew is made up of remnants of their sportscar team and yet he is handing it to his other two, well established team-mates. He is mightily impressive thus far.

    I would say give him a test at year's end, that's all that can be concluded for now.

  3. #3
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    Whilst he is doing a commendable performance, American Open Wheel is a pretty piss-weak series. Europe is where it's at.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Jag_Warrior's Avatar
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    Sadly, the IRL is now seen by many as just a quasi-national series with ancient cars and detuned spec engines, with about the same hp/weight specs as GP2. AFAIK, no IRL driver has ever even gotten a serious F1 test, much less a race drive. I also think Power is a pretty exceptional racer. But to get a serious look from F1, I believe he's going to have to go to GP2 and prove himself first.

    The old saying is, in order to be a somebody, you first have to beat a somebody. It's open to debate whether or not the IRL can offer that, when the biggest "star" in the IRL is Danica Patrick.

    Especially with that name (Speed and Glock are two of my other favorites ), it would be nice to see this guy move up the ladder. But at his age, he better make a move quick.
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  5. #5
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    The sad thing is, it took him a considerable while to find enough sponsorship to even land a full time ride in the IRL, so I shudder to think what the sponsor situation may be for him in F1... While some teams may consider him for a test/ride, it seems unlikely he could compete for a race seat with the likes of Petrov or other drivers who are able to bring sponsors to the table.

    I had the same thought, however... I'd like to see what he would be able to do in F1, but I fear me might just be the next DaMatta or Bourdais

  6. #6
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    The problem with Power is that he wasn't too magical in European feeder series before switching to North America, hence he has slipped from the radar of F1 teams. Maybe he is a bit of a late bloomer, but age isn't on his side either. Yeah, we might say that "it's not too late", but teams take greater notice of much younger driver, who could be already on a similar level. The difference with Bourdais is that he actually succeeded in a European-based feeder series (winner of F3000).

  7. #7
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    I doubt whether Will would want to leave one of the top teams in the US, where he has the chance to win races every weekend, just to be in F1, particularly as he's only just got a full time drive.
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  8. #8
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    well, Will Power is a good driver. how good he would be in F1 is an interesting question but, from his point of view, I doubt F1 would make much sense.

    If he was to go to F1, what team would he go to? one of the backmarkers or back of the midfield at best, unlikely to win much.

    in contrast in IndyCar he is in the equal best team on the grid, and he's showing this year he is capable of being champion. Indy Car isnt F1, it doesnt compete with what CART was, but it's still an important championship to win and he's got everything going for him there. why give that up?
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  9. #9
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    Although Indycar is a spec series, Roger has once again gained the "unfair advantage" by developing a ride-height system--the Penske cars have a distinct advantage over the rest of the field and Will is making the best of it. I don't want to take away too much of what Power has been able to accomplish--he has proven massively quick in beating the two MTP mainstays. He should have won last week as well, but the team made a mistake in bringing him in (with a lead) during the first yellow-flag period on lap 11. Horrible mistake IMO.

  10. #10
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    Would any driver pass over the opportunity to drive in F1 regardless of the team or the success they are having in another series?

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