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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb The Get fit club!

    Ive noticed on a couple of recent threads that some members are out of shape, and unhappy about it...

    Who wants to get fit with me? The basic idea of the thread is that we state fitness goals in our first post, then regularly report back on progress. Along the way we support, advise, motivate and virtually spot for each other.

    Ill start with stating my problem, my goals and how i plan to go about achieving it.

    Problem: I consider myself to be ideally around 78kg, Im 5 foot ten and broad shouldered, so any lighter than that would be unhealthy. Until the start of LAST year i was hovering around there and pretty happy about it. Then i started a new job, basically i manage a highly flammable lolly shop. The job and uni take up a lot of hours, and i stopped exercising. In around 20 months I have gained around 17 kg, and it aint muscle. The gut has gotten to the point where I cant hide it by sucking it in, and my old clothes dont fit. Not fun. I used to do weights a lot, so i know ive got muscle hiding under there somewhere. I just want to find it again.

    Goal: Steadily get back to around 80 kg at a rate of loss between 500 grams and 1kg per week.

    Method: Im going to focus on cardio. Initially i plan to do an exercise session 3 to 4 times per week. This will contain about half an hour of exercise bike (broken into 3 sets of ten minutes.). I will break these up with 2 five minute weight sessions where i lift light weights (around 50% of what i can do) at a fast rate to maintain the cardioness of the exercise, while keeping the major mucle groups awake and working.

    I also plan to walk more regularly.

    In the dietary sense i plan to minimise junk food from the diet. Though i dont think im ready for specific diet plans just yet.

    First thing on every monday morning i will weigh myself and record process and then post on here, if the thread is still alive.

    Ive been pretty candid there, obviously other people who join me dont have to be as personal if they dont want to. But yeah, anyone wanna get fit with me? Or offer hilariously cockney advice on the usefulness of Bulgarian Horse Steroids?
    Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke

  2. #2
    Senior Member Storm's Avatar
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    I have roughly the same problem as you Gibbsy but not quite that much :

    I am 5' 9" and currently 83.5 kg....same as you I am quite big boned/broad shouldered (compared to my countrymen!) as well as some muscle lurking below my fat (which is irritating me but luckily I dont have a huuuge amount of it).

    I started going to a gym close to my home abt 2.5 months ago (my weight then was 83.5 same as today but its been up to 85 within this time! I think its mainly the muscle mass I gained since I am doing weights as well as cardio)

    Now I need to concentrate more on the cardio as my muscles do seem to be shaping up nicely especially the shoulders and arms(which isn't really why I joined the gym anyways) but my ideal weight would be 77/78kg as well. Also I am trying to eat 3 times a day (home cooked 2 times of those), especially reducing my dinner intake (and trying to eat earlier) and almost stopped eating cheese and sweet stuff.
    Tito Vilanova = :champion:

  3. #3
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    Look I'd love to join ya Gibbo but as you may have noticed in the gym rats thread I'm in strict training for the big tear up with Jefe "The Keyboard Warrior" Maximo and can't afford to take the time out from my strict and punishing regime which consists of lying on the couch for long periods swilling untold cans of beer and then jumping up suddenly to deliver a single right cross to the heavy bag.
    My gruelling ordeal doesnt end there however as I quickly follow up with a nice pipe of ready rubbed shag and a 7 or 8 hour kip.
    Makes ya tired just thinking about it don't it?

    (runs up steps of Bobby Moore Stand in West Ham shorts before jumping up and down energetically)
    "Gettin' strong noooooooooooowwwwwwwwww"
    Oh golly Oh gosh Had a lie on the couch with a nice bit o' posh from Burnham-On-Crouch:mad:

  4. #4
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    I'm 5' 9'' and 56kg and therefore I don't need this crummy fat club :
    I solumly swear I'm up to no good :devil:

  5. #5
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    I don't want to loose weight/ get fit because I am a good weight and in good form I just want to build up my muscles a bit.

    Any ideas how?
    RIP Colin McRae

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicemms
    I don't want to loose weight/ get fit because I am a good weight and in good form I just want to build up my muscles a bit.

    Any ideas how?
    Check out the "Gym Rats" thread mate. There's more advice on there than u can shake a $hitty stick at.

    There's even a good tear up towards the end. Don't blink though squire you might miss it
    Oh golly Oh gosh Had a lie on the couch with a nice bit o' posh from Burnham-On-Crouch:mad:

  7. #7
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    Cool. Someone made a thread about this eons ago!

    So, what are your goals people?

    I want to run the NYC marathon and have 4 months of preparation. Just one problem, plantar fasciitis. My left foot feels as if someone is driving a rusty nail into side. Hurts like hell, but hopefully will get better soon.
    Marco Simoncelli 1987-2011

  8. #8
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    Wow, this is an old thread.

    Gloomy, are you using a decent pair of running shoes? Most people who have foot or calf pain when ruinning find it all stops once they get a proper pair of running shoes.

    My diet went out the window this week due to other family dramas. Hopefully today will be the first day in a week where I don't eat some form of takeaway food. Luckily I'm pretty fit already though. I like to do a minimum of 50km's worth of exercise each week plus some light weights to tone up.

    I did a 70 mile charity bike ride about a month ago. Cycling half way across the country in about 9 hours (including stops) on the wrong type of bike was definately both hard work and a good challenge. I'm still looking out for my next decent physical challenge. I did want to try and cycle up the second highest mountain in England but I think as a challenge is way out of my capabilities as an off road cyclist.
    My phone has an alarm clock! Ner Ner! :p

  9. #9
    Admin pino's Avatar
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    I run/walk at least 3 hours, and cycle ca. 20 km everyday, just because I need to keep me in form as I eat a lot of pizza and pasta
    When you're tired of're tired of life

  10. #10
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    It's easy to cycle in Denmark but around here I have found that wherever I go it is all uphill :
    If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

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