Quote Originally Posted by nickfalzone
Kentucky's supposed "sellout" was either a desperate promotional tactic, or a result of large corporate bookings that didn't pan out attendance-wise. And as mentioned earlier, the Kentucky "sellout" was put in press by the promoters, not the IRL. And all that said, attendance was up over 07.

Word on the street here locally (Cincinnati) was it was indeed a result of corporate bookings that were "no shows". I have it second hand from a VP at the track, that they really did sell out damn near all the tickets. But had a bunch handed back when the corporate buyers realized they didn't have as many takers. Hence the last minute, "some tickets are available" announcements after the previously announced sell out. The track benefited there because they got to sell some of those tickets twice. The first time at a much reduced price because of the "block purchase", the second time at face value.
