F1 promise "exciting" 2023 calendar with latest update.
F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali has claimed the sport is focused on producing "an exciting calendar" for the 2023 season.
Saturday 6 August 2022 16:01
Sam Hall

The majority of races that will feature on next year's schedule are already known with long-standing contracts in place for most venues, while Las Vegas and Qatar are set to join the roster. But the future remains uncertain for some venues with Monaco, Spa Francorchamps [Belgium] and Paul Ricard [France] all out of contract at the end of the current campaign.

Speaking on a call with Wall Street investors, Domenicali said: "As I have stated before, we will come back to this in early October due to the process of needing clearance from the World Motorsport Council.”

"Of course, there are discussions to make sure that the calendar is robust. It is following also the fact that we would like to keep the right flow in terms of efficiency around the world when you consider the need for a calendar to be spread around the world from March to November.”

‘Exciting 2023 calendar’;


Toto Wolff puts faith in F1 chief Stefano Domenicali over qualifying changes
MERCEDES chief Toto Wolff admitted the sprint race at the Austrian Grand Prix had "less entertainment".
17:57, Sun, Jul 17, 2022
By Matthew Cooper

F1 are planning to increase the number of sprint qualifying races to six next season and Mercedes chief Toto Wolff is confident that F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali will choose the right locations to stage the extra races.

The most recent sprint race took place at the Austrian Grand Prix, but was not as exciting as previous events as the top four drivers retained their positions. And Wolff admitted the sprint had "less entertainment" and believes F1 need to ensure they choose the best venues for future events.

"I think if I have trust in one person to choose the right sprint races, it's Stefano," Wolff said. "And Stefano will have seen [the Austria sprint race] and will take it into consideration.”

‘6 Sprint Races in 2022’;


Insurance billionaire mulling over Formula 1 team bid
Saturday 6th August 2022 11:59 PM
Jamie Woodhouse

Williams were the team to most recently undergo a complete change of ownership, American investment firm Dorilton Capital purchasing the outfit from the Williams family in 2020.

Reuters report Dorilton Capital make investments for Lo, chief executive of insurance broker RE Lee International, with Lee confirming he has had “some sort of exposure” to Williams since Dorilton purchased the team.

And Lo is taking a look across the grid for teams he could invest in, adding he is not the only one in Asia to be doing this. In fact, Lo could envisage an Asian consortium soon swooping to invest in a Formula 1 team.

‘Formula 1 team bids’;


Toto Wolff predicts five Formula 1 teams capable of winning from 2024
Saturday 6th August 2022 6:00 AM
Jon Wilde

Toto Wolff believes five teams will be in the hunt for F1 race wins by 2024 as the budget cap does its job and levels the playing field.

“It is too early to judge,” Wolff told Gazzetta dello Sport. “I believe the spending cap will compact the group. “Within two years we will have five teams capable of winning races and after another three, as many fighting for the World Championship.”

Wolff also commented on the news that a partnership between Red Bull and Porsche will reportedly be imminently announced. Porsche are set to enter Formula 1 as an engine supplier in 2026, with their arrival likely to be confirmed when the power-unit regulations for that year are finalised in the near future.

‘Five Formula 1 teams capable of winning from 2024’;


Tech Draft: Time for Formula 1 broadcasters to refocus on the sport
5 August, 2022
Mark Kay

As the wind blows the tumbleweed across the empty car parks of the ghost town Formula 1 factories emptied by the enforced annual leave of absence, it is a good opportunity to navel gaze and reflect on the season that has been to date, the good and the bad.

Regrettably for readers, what the break means is an arduous three weeks ahead for them void of interesting and exciting news that has been replaced with the typical and boringly generic mid-season reviews and rankings, the stuff that is usually so mind-blowing that it forces you to fall asleep.

I’m going to get the things that have peeved me so far this year off my chest in a series of whinges and gripes starting with my biggest issue so far in 2022, the broadcast feed available to me is appalling. When I watch an F1 broadcast I have two options, either to turn the audio off, or I am forced to endure what I find is the brain numbing tripe that is the Sky commentary. F1 has a big problem because the only feed available to me, the one that I am unwillingly forced to endure has an agenda of morals and politics that goes far beyond that which I find is necessary to provide a broadcast of an F1 weekend.

‘Time for Formula 1 broadcasters to refocus on the sport’;


The American team's plan to join the grid in 2024 may be falling through
17:04 Thu, 04 Aug 2022.
Morgan Holiday

Andretti Autosport has been in talks to field a Formula 1 team by 2024, but they may be running out of time.

2024 deadlines. Andretti’s initial plan was to buy the majority of Sauber and claim ownership of the Alfa Romeo F1 team. These plans were meant to be finalised during the United States Grand Prix in 2021, but the deal fell through at the last minute.

From there, Michael Andretti, owner of the team, put in an application to join the Formula 1 grid in 2024. Despite the benefits of having the Andretti name back in Formula 1, they have received a lot of pushback from the current teams on the grid. Most of the backlash is due to teams having to split the prize money between yet another team, making the amount they would all receive smaller.

‘Running Out Of Time’;
