Hopefully this will be a good race. I expect Mercedes to be very fast in the race but I think they'll probably be around the 4-6 tenths back in qualifying. A lot of it depends very much on the nature of the upgrades and how they work. I think RBR aren't bringing any upgrades to this race. 9 races down the the fight is between Ferrari and RBR.

At the start of the season I thought it was LeClerc's to lose and Ferrari have successfully lost it for him. I can't imagine them being able to come back into the fight now which is a shame for LeClerc because I think he is a better driver than Max and he deserves to be in a team that will deliver him the championship.

Piquets comments I regard as a bit of a nothing burger. Clearly the translation Piquet means was "guy" without any racial intent. To have him banned from the Paddock is nonsense in my opinion.

I still don't like these new rules. I don't think they have really brought anything to F1 and I don't think the races are more exciting than they were last year. It's good to see the FIA are doing something about the bouncing, it was crazy in Baku and all the teams suffered.

Interesting weekend ahead.