Quote Originally Posted by AnttiL View Post

My three cents

1) Actual electric sports or race cars have extremely short range when pushed to the maximum. Forget about road range of stock cars, that's completely different scale of power drained from the batteries. There is no info about battery capacity but considering the vehicle weight I am pretty sure it can not do a typical WRC loop, possibly not even one half.

2) 1400 kg heavy car has to be way more powerful than R5 cars to be reasonably faster which gets us into a vicious circle. The bigger power requires bigger batteries and the weight grows. IMHO it will be very difficult if not impossible to have full electric cars faster than R5 cars over the typical WRC stage and liaisons distance.

3) One thing is to be faster the other is to appear faster for the audience. That is very difficult to solve because the electric cars simply lack the wow efect.