"It was perfect management, we did the maximum I think, we drove fast without risking a mistake, then we managed according to the conditions, we had to try to avoid punctures, it was not easy We did not make a mistake, we are 3rd and close to 2nd place, and Toyota, and mainly Tanak, continues in the same vein from Mexico. he is very good and very efficient, he flew during the day, impossible to follow, "Neuville explained to our microphone.

Before adding, about the fog that could make his appearance Saturday: "If there is only a little, we will all be happy.All can collapse in a special, you have to spend a good night Nobody likes to ride in the fog, at the level of the notes it will be necessary to have more information about the distances between the turns .. The fog is different for each driver, because we run every three minutes, so you have to have a stroke of luck. "

"I think I can be satisfied, it's a great day for us, we were expecting to suffer, the first stage smiled on us with the dust that slowed down our competitors." The bill would be even more salty tonight. Apart from Tanak, who was on another planet, we are close to the others, he never really surprises me, he is an excellent pilot, very fast, and last year, at Ford cars, we were very close to Most of the time, it's up to him for the time he achieved when he was third on the road, "explained the defending champion at the microphone of our colleague Olivier Gaspard, RTBF's special correspondent in Argentina.

The fog could cloud the cards on Saturday. "A dry road is simpler than in foggy conditions, we will have to go through traps and try to do our best." The goal for Saturday is second place, Tanak seems unreachable. others, including Neuville, and we try to get the best possible position, "added Ogier.