If political correctness is to be the way to go here , then perhaps the number should be held by a nice sturdy tripod . It could be carbon fiber , so it fits in .

But , we'll have to have someone who can put it there at the appropriate moment and then take it away before the start .

Rather than grid girls , we could call them , collectively "grid folk" .

All the drivers are men , so unless the driver requests , perhaps because he is gay or maybe because he just doesn't want to be around women at that particular moment because he was forced by his mother to eat broccoli when he was a kid , he can have a grid folk guy , instead of a nicely dressed , good looking grid folk girl to move the number sign tripod .

While he or she waits for the cues to move the sign , rather than just stand there like a slab of meat , being ogled by one and all lasciviously , perhaps they could be doing some important job like rubbing the driver's shoulders to relax them before the race .
Many of these folk are models who have done the car show circuit , so they would be used to draping them selves over the cars to get the right angles for the massage without having to have the drivers get out .

Hemingway said something about prizefighting , auto racing , and bull fighting , didn't he ? What was that ?
Liberty brought boxing's Buffer to the F1 stage , where the grid girl is put to shame by the number bunny , in terms of being the gratuitous sexy , every round vignette .
Rumbles are that there may well end up being a race in the land of the tassels , Vegas , so I surely hope Liberty will champion the move to stop all those showgirls from being so exploited before they grant a race there .
It's only right .