Quote Originally Posted by Nitrodaze View Post
I think Hamilton would had a ton of bricks drop on his head if he had done the Vetbang. Ok a season ban would have been too much, but something more than a ten second stop and go was called for. And l think Martin Brundle was well wrong on this one and surprisingly so.
Yeah I notice the usual Vettel tifosi are quiet. Interesting how some people see it as okay because it was at such slow speed. The speed is irrelevant. It's the action that matters.

I would be very disappointed had Hamilton done something like that. I don't think we ever have to worry about that happening though.

One of my biggest issues here is that there is and had been a very clear cut bias towards Vettel in the Stewards room for many years now. Every time it is possible for him to get a lenient call he usually gets and benefits from it. I find it all very convenient that news came through about Vettel's penalty just as it was clear Hamilton had to pit despite over 30 mins at least passing between the incident and the Stewards decision. At that time it was obvious that the differential for a penalty would be minimal and suddenly the penalty appears.

What opened on Sunday is the result of years of soft punishment and not being made to answer for things he had done. He'a petulant, spoiled and needs to be brought back down to earth with a bang.