Quote Originally Posted by Rex Monaco
Didn't you warn someone else in this thread to loose the patronizing tone? Your own snarky tone does not give me any incentive to spend 30+ minutes writing a well thought out response.

And didn't you also tell me not to put words in your mouth? So please show me where I said, "We can bring it back to its 1960's glory overnight." The prestige of the Indy 500 was damaged with over a decade worth of poor decision making. It's going to take at least a decade of good decision making to restore it.

The second sentence is really very easy, when you read it in context:

Snarky <> patronizing. I have never told anyone to loose the snarky tone, not once. Also, I never said that you thought that it could be brought back to the 1960's glory.

Seeing the two sentences about Audi in context, now I understand what you were saying.
