Let's all come out of the closet and learn more about one another, why don't we?

Who do you vote for, generally? What are your political views?

Me, I see my political views two-dimensionally: there's the social dimension and the economic dimension. I'm very much a social liberal. I'm pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage and adoption, pro-abortion - basically pro-choice in all respects. The economic dimension is more complicated. I've voted for right-wing parties all my life, but at the next general election, I think I will vote for a left-wing party. Why? Because I've changed my mind about what the right path to prosperity is. I think right-wing economics eventually lead to prosperity for the very few - the too few. Society as a whole is better off IMO if there is more redistribution of wealth than there currently is in my country.

Luckily, I have four serious parliamentary parties to choose from. Isn't it a pity that in America, you only have a choice between two parties?