I believe Speed cut away and missed the driver interviews after the race. The immediately cut to the soccer/football game. That's what p!ssed me off. I watched the race on DVR, so I had no opportunity to see the interviews. I think there's a replay this week some time. So I'll tape the entire race again, just to skip to the end and watch the interviews!

It's fine if the other Fox outlets cover other sports. But for Speed to now be covering soccer... Other than F1 and GP2, I hardly ever watch Speed anymore anyway. The best news I got this weekend was that as a DirecTV subscriber, I can now get Speed 2. So to get back to what Speedvision was before Fox bought the channel, and mucked it up, I'll have to watch non-F1 (and non-NASCAR) related motorsports programming on my computer. But that's OK. I paid almost as much for this second monitor as I paid for my last TV, so I might as well get some use out of it. At least I can avoid all the goofy, retarded, reality TV crap that fills up Speed when F1 (or NASCAR) isn't on.