This was done in the Rally forum for years so I thought I'd bring it back with a slight difference. I've decided to leave it open to all forms of motorsport, and, resultantly, have posted it here as opposed to any specific racing/rally forum. For those who've not played before, the rules are simple: someone uploads a picture of a racing/rally car which has been edited in order to make it difficult to identify (it is up to you to decide how you want to edit the pic). First person to identify the photo, gets to pick the next one. You may require for more details such as driver, year and/or location if you wish.

As a side note, I find it gets terribly confusing if everybody jumps on the bandwagon and posts pictures. The order becomes lost and the thread becomes all criss-crossed. It would be great if we could stick to one pic at a time. If a poster disappears, however, a new pic can be posted by anyone. Right, let's get the ball rolling:

Car and Year please