Quote Originally Posted by Daniel
I put the fact that you don't like Rugby Union down to the fact that you have no taste. League, I can not stand as it's a silly game which is just back and forth, but Union really has a fantastic flow to it when you've got 2 good nations playing.
Hear hear.

Rugby League is a logically stupid game. Even if you hold possession for six tackles, the operation of the rules forces you to give the ball over for no damn good reason at all. Even American Football rewards possession by giving the team with the ball another four downs if they achieve ten yards on the drive.
The excuse usually given is that it forces the team with the ball to do something with it. I think that that argument is dumb, because the team with the ball already wants to score with it. The rules merely result in run for 5 tackles and then kick.
I've had the benefit of watching matches from the 1960s before the tackle count on Australia's ABC2 and the game flowed much better.

Rugby I think allows for a number of different styles of play and the game is much better for it.