Quote Originally Posted by Cooper_S
It's a slightly biased documentary about a dead F1 driver; it is almost as far from the mainstream as you can get (maybe if it was in Portuguese with subtitles it would be further). Cinemas are businesses and find it had to make money as it is so it is very understandable that it is limited to largest population centres to maximise revenues and that means London with it's 10+ million people will get the lions share.

Like it or not rave reviews do not guarantee bums on seats... Subject matter does and I know if this was a slightly biased documentary about the life of Pele I would have no interest in seeing it... this will appeal mostly to F1 fans only... and even then I am a fan, I've followed F1 since the mid 1980's and have attended several races in that time but I have no interest in seeing it so I can certainly see why it is on such limited release
I am aware that it's hardly the JLS film in terms of draw. However I didn't think that I'd be looking at a 2 hour drive to see it. I believe that it's going to a Bristol cinema at some point so that will probably be where I go, but with 120,000 people in Exeter, 260,000 in Plymouth and 420,000 in Bristol, I think that it's hardly unreasonable to think that one of them might have a cinema showing it during the opening week. Even moreso when you consider that it's showing in Bath, which has a population of about 85,000. (Although these figures are from Wiki so probably a bit vague).

Incidentally my local Vue cinema did recently show TT:3D (albeit for one night only), as did one in Plymouth, that's one of the main reasons that I expected I might get to see this film locally.

Edit: Oh and I went to see Attack The Block about 2 or 3 weeks ago, there were less than 20 in the cinema then and I'd hardly call it unreasonable to expect that a niche film like this would attract a few more people than that.