Now we've had a proper "hot" session, in qualifying, I thought I'd stick my neck out and make some comments, which will likely be completley disproved as early as tomorrow morning.

New tyres - don't seem to be anything like as much of a degrading disaster as some seemed to think. Will be different in the race, but we're not going to see 4 or 5 stops.

New tyres 2 - These were supposed to benefit some drivers, particularly mentioned were schumacher and Massa. So far i'm not sure about Schumacher, seemed close to Rosberg all weekend but dropped back in qualifying. after last years disappointment we were supposed to see the old Michael, i've not seen any evidence to suggest he's back, yet. As for Massa, he looked every bit the fish out of water again, like most of last year, especially after germany. off Alonso's pace, struggled to get into Q2 at one point, spun out of the pits, i'm seeing no upturn for him so far either. I honestly don't see him in a Ferrari next year, unless he has a remarkable turnround.

McLaren - rubbish in testing and then followed by Whitmarsh's "we've changed the car and gained 1 second" which i'm sure most of us thought was a very optimistic assessment. Seems not, they are right up there on Red Bulls coat tails, where ferrari were supposed to be. I'll be intrigued what they can do in the race.

New Teams - disappointed by Lotus and Virgin, expected them to be closer to the field. Hispania, i reserve judgement until they've actually completed some laps in practice sessions, but they still look like the slowest team. i think they'll be lucky to race this year.

Petrov impressed, but i think the Renault is flattering him (heidfield just f**ed up). In Kubica's hands my opinion is that he would have been mixing it with the Maccas and Webber.

very impressed by the rookies in general, decent results for them. Sauber and STR look to have leapt forward this year and could well be in top 10 contention regularly.

Save of the Year? i'll be surprised if anyone tops Sutil, that should have been a huge wreck, great job to keep it out of both walls, although it was his mistake that brought it on.

Finally, Vettel. I know its only one qualification, but he looks on a different level. one of, if not the best (quickest) driver, in the quickest car, full of confidence, he could cream this year. the major factor is the tyres behaviour in races and if tactics can bring slower cars into contention.

Looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the year.

I stand to be corrected on all points in the coming weeks and months!