Im frantically looking around for the link I saw of this day before yesterday yet news was that Ken Anderson (USF1, Falcon Cars) is looking at developing an IndyCar aero kit for the new regs.

Anyone else heard of this or have any further info?

Who knows, maybe itl be 3rd time lucky for him by way of his recently designed 'big league' cars?

Id strangely like to see it happen if it was done right.

For all his flaws in business and people/team management, one thing I can say for both the USF1 design (on paper/CAD at least) and in particular for the Falcon Indycar which ALOT of people shared this upcoming view on at the time of its first unveiling, Ken Anderson can sure design an awesome looking, sleek, pretty I know you actually then have to follow through and build the damn thing yet always appreciated the visual appeal of his racers.