Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Oshawa
Raikk, the problem is the teams are owned by North Americans and it is hard to see how you could put a sched together with European cities to play the North American ones. The other issue is of course that if you had say 6 European cities, would there be enough players? Would Europeans tend to stay home? The problems of European expansion would be pretty complicated. A BETTER solution would be a top flight European league with teams in Sweden, Finland,Russia, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Germany, say maybe 12 teams total could reach a level where they could put out a challenge to the NHL teams for a winner take all Final. The economics and player supply right now just wont work I don't think.
Thats very true but none the less I hope it happens..I'm sure instead of running around from club to club Forsberg would rather stay in Sweden then a Nashville or Philly.. Forsberg really doesn't have a home other then Sweden...figurativly speaking..