I'm laughing when I read some of these posts, not stressed. Everyone of these keyboard jockey part time volunteer course workers have all of the answers but have none of the actual responsibilty if something where to go wrong. It's so easy to sit at home and nit pick and second guess every decision made. It's not so easy to step up to the plate and accept full responsibility for everything that goes down at the race track.

Let me ask you. What has been the IRL's record as far as responses to crashes on the track over the last 14+ years? How many drivers have been killed or seriously injured because the safety crew got there in 58 seconds vs 13 seconds (or whatever)? Other than the recent incident w/Simone where the driver got some minor burns I can't think of any. And that incident has been addressed and shoul not happen again.

My point is it's easy to sit at home and complain. It's a whole different ball game when you have to actually do something and then personally take reponsibilty for what happens because of it.

Quote Originally Posted by DBell
Why is it everytime you post I'm reminded of Kevin Bacon in Animal House?