Quote Originally Posted by Sleeper
There's a rumour that Ferrari want him to replace Massa for next year, but I wouldnt hold my breth on that just yet.
That was the rumor last year and it seems both Brundle and Legard added a little more fuel to the rumor. On lap 44 they raved about Kubica's driving and eluded that he maybe inline for Massa's seat in 2011 when both Massa and Kubica's contracts expire at the end this year.

I think it's more possible given that both Alonso and Kubica are good friends. There was another rumor last year that Alonso was pulling for Robert to join him at Ferrari. Of course it's all rumors ad speculation but Kubica is very quick and would be a better choice over Massa.

Also Massa recently didn't quell the rumor by saying he was not going to say like Alonso that Ferrari is the last team he will drive for.