Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Oshawa
That is about my feeling too. Not so much based on what I saw today, because I didn't. I had things to do today, and knew I wouldn't have time to tape and watch it.

The Danica punching bag is getting old, but alas, DF fan does drive the Danica talk. Then again, he is a true fan, and I wont knock him for being a fan, even if he is unrealistic in his expectations. DF, you could be a Maple Leaf's fan for your devotion. There are people who seriously think every year is the year for them, even when they miss the playoffs 5 years running!

Danica's strength is she drives a safe race. She doesn't make real mistakes because she doesn't risk making banzai passes. She used to, but would rather points race than go for broke trying to get top 5's. The reality is, you look at Hoop's data, her fastest time for the race was about where she finished. Mid pack. Nothing wrong with being consistent and using your head to get good finishes BUT...and this is the BUT...you will only win when the rest of the field screws up or you catch them napping on a fuel run. Which is of course how she won her only race in Japan.

Danica will not race hard for the lead on any road/street course, because it isn't her thing. The problem is, those tracks are now half the schedule. By finishing 7th today, she is trying to mitigate her lack of overall speed. She is points racing on the road/street courses. On the ovals...well she runs really well at Indy (for reasons I have never understood); and she runs decent on the other ovals. IN short, she will likely finish in the top 10, most likely no better than 5th. IN points, that isn't shabby, but as Ken said, who cheers for people who play it safe all the time? You can be a "smart" driver all you want, but if you still don't have that blazing turn of speed and ability to make passes, you wont win races and you are NOT going to win my loyalty.

Simona tries to win. Will Power WINS. Graham tries to WIN. TK tries to WIN. Dario tries to WIN. Danica tries to survive....big difference...and it is the reason the fuss made about her is so contentious. I would have a lot more respect for her as a driver if she raced hard and failed then played it safe...

She plays a prevent defence....all it does is prevent you from winning...
I used to play tennis. I wasn't particularly good at it as I'm not much of a natural athlete. Normally, most tennis players find one part of their game that they're particularly capable of, and develop their game around it. If you don't have a powerful forehand or dominating serve or any other strong shot, you are probably going to wind up being what's called a retriever or a counterpuncher. When you play that style, you goal is to keep the ball in play and to not give your opponent the opportunity to use his power shot. I know, because that's how I played. It's a fairly brutal way to try to win a tennis match. You get run all over the court and are, for the most part, reacting to what your opponent is trying to do to you. I don't think anyone starts out trying to become a counterpuncher, you just fall into it because you can't become a power player.

I think that is what has happened to Danica. I don't see that she has the talent or the skills to run up front, so more often than not, she plays the counterpuncher role, racing with strategy instead of with speed. I don't think it's her choice, I just don't think the has what it takes to challenge for the lead.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if she picks off a few more wins in her career if she stays in Indycar. She's 28, and in the heart of her career. She's probably got another seven or eight strong seasons ahead of her, and she seems to have a knack for the high speed ovals.

Things could turn around for her. She could have a couple of good results on ovals, and wind up being competitive on ovals for a number of years. I'd be surprised if that happens, I just haven't seen anything from her lately that gives the indication that she has that in her.