Hi folks,

General announcement.

Obviously it's been a bit quite round here lately, but things are about to get cracking which is good!

The WSB and WSS provisional lists came out today and when the MotoGP/Moto2/125 ones come out I'll do some prices (admittedly, mostly done already) and get the League up and running, and set up the MotoGP Pickems threads in preparation [trade secret: the threads are all done at the start of the season and pop up automatically two weeks before each event ]

I am contemplating running an 'unofficial' Moto2 Pickems competition - unfortunately I don't know how to manipulate the forum software to do it as per the MotoGP ones and setting up two within one forum is problematic, so it may be a 'manual entry submission' job and I will have to come up with another wondrous spreadsheet to do the points. But I will run it if there is interest.

The other two bits we need to get in order are the Combined Bike Racing Calendar which Rod Richardson has done some sterling work in putting together - if there are any amendments to that post them in the appropriate thread and then I'll get it stuck pre-season.

The other ones is the Official Websites thread which is a bit of a beast (and indeed I didn't get finished last year), if anyone fancies tackling a bit of that to help out that'd be much appreciated although much of it just needs re-arranging in line with shuffling entry lists.

Other than that, hope everyone's looking forward to the new season and glad to see everyone's still enjoying the forum!
