I'm in the dumps . . . . pathetic!

When I was young I played football and basketball every day, all day it seemed.
Later in life I became a gym buff and when I turned 40 I stopped exercizing regularly and focused on my son, wife and work.

Last year I was back on the football (soccer) field coaching my son Manuel's team on the NYC West Side Soccer League. At the end of the season, the league organized a "parents" game and I enthusiastically signed on. I bought myself some new soccer shoes, my son gave me some cool shin guards (we didn''t have those when I was young) and we played the game last weekend.

I started as forward and after my first sprint to fight for a ball I was wheezing - so was the other dad I was sprinting with and we both knew that we were into a whole new and painful different world.

The good news is that I actually scored a goal, had an assist and had a cool out of the box shot hitting the upper right goal post.
the bad news . . . . I spent most of the game on my butt. A new reality for me was that my mind was faster than my body. I would see the play, knew what I had to do and when it came on to me actuallly doing it, my feet would trip onto each other and I wouuld kiss the grass, butt or face first. I did a lot of cursing in the process.

The first three days after the game were painfull and my walk was actually a waddle. It's been more than a week and I could not play a game even if I wanted to. Recuperation - if ever - will take a while.

My advice to you young forumers/ Don't let it happen to you. Try to stay in shape.

How are you all doing shape wise? ( and I don't necesarily mean belly wise)
