The exotic, specially formulated fuels are gone. The technology and the methods of it's development have been severely curtailed. The tire selection has all the excitment of bidding a prison laundry contract. The price has been lowered to where any astute businessman with skilled salesmen can buy their way in, along with a chassis and motor. A standard CPU is used. Reliability standards. Safety car. All manner of regulation that seems to stifle rather than stimulate the racing action. Drivers selected for the sponsorship money hanging out of their back pockets more than the skills they bring to team and track.

Can anyone still claim F1 is the pinnacle of auto racing and keep a straight face? Still the pinnacle? If your answer is yes, then why?

Personally, I shuddered cold chills back when they brought in the paddock speed limits. I knew for sure the dumbing down of F1 had begun.