Similar to the thead that was started at the end of the WRC season...

+ Kris Meeke's consistent and fast driving all year
+ Skoda's very strong debut
+ Basso's amazing tarmac speed
+ Peugeot UK's support for IRC
+ Some great entry lists, especially on mainland European events
+ Hanninen's progress on tarmac
+ Eurosport increasing live coverage
+ Increasing media coverage of IRC
+ Great calendar of varied and beautiful events
+ Championship challenge of Jan Kopecky in Fabia's first year

- Abarth's continuing unreliability and patchy performance
- Championship being tied up before final round
- Hanninen's early season accidents (without those he could have gone for the title)
- Safari Rally not supported (gone for 2010)
- Anton Alen's unreliability, lack of pace and poor attitude