Today there's much talk on the BBC about the death of Princess Diana and the 'was he, wasn't he?' drink drive theories on her driver.

I'm not asking if there is/was a conspiracy, but what I'd like to know is would we rather find out that there was or wasn't when the truth comes out?

Would we like the moon landings, 9/11, JFK's death and all the others to really be huge stories made up and messed with, or just plain truths as we were told them? Thousands of small conspiracy theories have proved to be correct, thousands plain rubbish. I remember many years ago a tabloid saying Rock Hudson was gay and it being shot down by 'serious' newspapers. They don't look so clever now, do they? :

Are we, as humans, looking for conspiracy for the thrill of the chase, or because it really exists?

I guess part of what I'm asking is - why do we instantly believe the media's side most of the time when we have no proof either way?