Ferrari threaten to quit F1 if standardized engines come into play in 2010

I appreciate their stance and their comments are spot on.

But the Italian firm said it had "major reservations" over any proposals that would lead to teams using the same engines: "it would deprive Formula One of its whole reason for existing, which is based on competition and technological development."

This move by Ferrari is to be applauded. If Max and the FIA continue to go down this stupid path, that breakaway series will come into fruition with Ferrari joining the other manufactures. They realize as well that competing against the likes of McLaren, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Renault, etc in an advanced series with individual engines and spurred by reasonable development is more important to them than competing in a hollow series.

I think that Max Mosley and his FIA cronies might have overplayed their hand with this standardized engine nonsense. The backlash is only beginning and will continue more so over the winter break.

MM and bernie need to leave F1 for the good of the sport.

Once again, hats off to Ferrari for taking a bold stance in trying to ensure that F1 remains the pinnacle of auto racing.