hmm, if STR continue their progress, Could Alonso end up there, or is this current form of STR more of a fluke than a testament of things to come. I for one hope its' the real deal. I would love to see another team mixing it up this year and beyond.

And if they continue their form, it would be a brilliant coup for Alonso to join them and once again challenge for race wins etc. The real question would be if Vettel would go ahead and go to RBR or stay with STR and switch seats with Bourdais. I think no matter where he goes, Alonso will have a more competitive teammate than NPJr and I think/hope he has now learned how to manage intra-team competition.

Wow, Now I'm intrigued. All this with the backdrop of uncertainty of team ownership. I think with their recent form, anyone trying to get into F1 will have a more than competitive team at hand with STR and I dare say their price tag has gone up!