At the start of the season when motorbase announced Rob Collard as the driver of one of their BMW's I was seriously dissapointed. Having never been much of a fan of Collard (as a driver, as a man I've always found him extremely likeable) I thought it was a waste of time him having the seat when there were drivers such as Eoin Murray and others out there who I believed would do a much better job in a potential front runnning car. I started the season expecting Rob to be routinely miles of Kane's pace and just there to 'make up the numbers'. And in the words of James Thompson still thought of Collard as being a 'rock ape' when it came to driving a touring car.

How wrong was I?

Not just as a result of yesterdays podium but as this season has progressed Collard has just seemed to get better and better (and not forgetting this is his first season in a rear wheel drive car) and now I would say is one of the better drivers in the BTCC, and very much deserving of his seat. If the season was to start now I think he would have every chance of going for the independants title, ok Turkington and Jackson might have a bit of an edge but they have both been in the beemers for longer and have age on their side but on his day, as was proved yesterday Collard can take the fight to them. So he has duly got my vote for Hiq's champagne moment! Well done rob. You have won over another fan. Sorry for doubting you!