Quote Originally Posted by PolePosition_1
Dunno, I've got impression your a Ferrari fan, presumably you dislike them because they've been to 2 main teams to beat Ferrari consistantly or challenge them over past 15 years (making exception of Renault/Bennetton).

What you think of Renault?

In what ways do Williams treat their drivers badly? I'm not disagreeing, but just want you to explain yourself a bit more
I've found Renault to be a genuinely humble team, Alonso being the notable exception, but he's also maturing now.

Williams have reached the point when they can't afford any arrogance anymore. Nor changing drivers like if they were underwear.
Let's remember that Williams always believed that it's all about engineering and drivers were way less important as long as they have the best car, to the point of having Head decide what set-up the drivers should run, even if the drivers didn't agree!
Sacking their drivers while in the hunt for the title, was something that I could hardly believe, and I was no Damon Hill fan.

As for McLaren, their arrogance has always been there, with "we could and should have won, if it wasn't for....", or with their claims of equality between drivers after what happened in Oz 1998!
And all this reached the highest level with their cheating and lying last season, and incredible show of arrogance.