Quote Originally Posted by racing59
Dude, your offer of help is most appreciated.

However, this coming week just isn't happening for me! I have to get details together for a big contract bid, I have some work in Oxford, Didcot, and Worcester, my daughter has to go to Hospital on Tues, and that means Weds is out of the window too. That leaves Friday to do it all. It just ain't gonna work.

Like I said, doing 18hr days this last 10weeks or so has taken it's toll.

I LOVE Cadwell, and my heart says "work 26hrs a day to make it happen", my head says "stop, rest, recover, and do the job properly".

I understand what you're saying Rob, Family and income must come first. It's a real pity you're not going to make cadwell, even if you were in the V7, the gooseneck and the mountain would still be exciting The offer of help still stands though, just to pay you back for letting my lad sit in your car!
Who will be out at cadwell? is Tony going? I may go on the Sunday (HSRCC) instead if no V8s' are running!