Their is also another subject. On Wikipedia reference number #34 relates to a TouringCarTimes article in which it states after VXR announced three cars SEAT and WSR could follow suit. The final paragraph in the article states specifically

"WSR are reportedly deciding whether to field a third car after talking to a number of interested drivers. Even suggesting that it could be run separate to Team RAC."

Nothing has come of that it seems. But if I have learned one thing on this forum it is nothing is as it seems. Take nothing at face value. One thing I have learned to believe is that just because nothing is said about it doesn't mean nothing is happening behind the scenes to make it happen.

Yet I still feel I must ask it. Is it merely a rumour or could their be something going on behind the scenes to make Team RAC field a 3 car outfit happen?

You lot appear to have a far better and more finely tuned instinct for this kind of thing. From my point of view you seem to be able to tell from seemingly present subliminal hints things I could never pick up on. Your better than me at most things but particularly this kind of thing.