what you think will happen aftermath of LH winning the wdc?

will there be a inquery by the fia of favorism?

will there be todt taking mclaren to court saying ferrari & italy dont accept LH is the champion?

will Kimi gives up F1 and move to some other racing because he cannot win a f1 wdc?

will fernando alonso quit mclaren & move elsewhere where he will get a sidekick driver who suppose to be 0.5 sec slower than him?

will bernie make more money from british sponsors & become a chat show idol?

will more of british tabloid media specially news of the world (lol) hit target sales by writing about LH? ,(how he did it, and dont forget all his ex-gf's will be making money by giving an int'w to the papers!)

will the british men & women (including many non f1 fans) finds LH as national Hero and finds another excuse to thier way to the pub and get pissed?

will briatore give marching orders to fisi @ renault?

will Ron Dennis adopt LewisH from Anthony H permenently?

will HRH the Queen shake hands of Lewis Hamilton, who is reportadly black.?