There was a post on this forum of a rather personal nature which included lies. I reported it to a moderator and it was promptly deleted. The mods here take it seriously when people start getting that personal.

There are other people on this forum so don't judge the forums standards to be the same as yours. There are young children and people who just generally don't want to read language that isn't nice. I myself don't mind the odd swear word like "wtf?" or "bs" as long as it's not directed at anyone on this forum and as long as people can get along from day to day without people having to use it in every post when they get a bit unhappy.

I've been banned many times and sometimes I haven't agreed with it but on the whole I know that most of the times were warranted and the fact that I've misbehaved in the past means I get treated more harshly than other and need to be more careful with what I say to people. Perhaps you should understand that the way you've come across makes you somewhat of a target? I've met Pino and Janneppi in person and he's neither of them are vindictive or vengeful so just play nice and it'll all be good. Everytime I see someone who's not a complete whackjob get banned I feel extremely sad because that's a possibly valid opinion that won't be voiced on this forum and that's a loss for everyone. You don't want those people who are posting misleading information to become the majority now do you?

At the end of the day you can express a strong opinion without directing foul language at someone and still get over the point.