Was having a bit of a read of some article on the net today and I've come to think that there's a good chance that Climate change/Global Warming is a crock of youknowwhat.

Last night I'd been watching some program about how if you look at certain patterns in the bible the bible has apparently predicted many assasinations and world events such as the twin towers attack and so on. Obviously a lot of people don't agree with this and set about disproving it and have since found similar messages in books like Moby Dick and other popular novels. So basically you can prove anything with pattern because patterns are fricking random and when you've got something as large as a climate on a planet then if there isn't a drought in Australia there's bound to be a severe flood or a hurricane somewhere else you can blame on climate change. Do people simply see stuff that's happened and then go "oooh there are more baseball games going on now than there were last year so that's what caused it!" or are we seeing real science in action?

As someone commented in the comments page below. How did they not predict the warm 2006 or the exceptionally wet summer of 2007 in the UK if global warming is having such a profound effect on the worlds climate. I simply think stuff is happening and Scientists are trying to find a reason why it's happening so they can be the one that proved that "Climate Change" exists and their picture can be next to that of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein in the book of "Scientists who actually discovered something real which didn't turn out to be wildly wrong later down the line"


Here they also talk of there being vineyards (vineyards need warm weather of course!) in Northern England which would be impossible today so obviously the earth was rather warm at some stage in the very recent past and there was no industrialisation going on at this point either.



Has anyone actually proved that CO2 in the amounts in the atmosphere is actually enough to cause this warming on the earth and is there any proof that this will be the end of us?

I personally think it's all a crock of poo