Quote Originally Posted by seb_sh View Post
It was not that 2 WDCs can't drive in the same team. He specifically said there is a gentlemen's agreement that a team doesn't hire all the WDCs to keep some balance. I feel people are intentionally misunderstanding that. Some even said if Evans wins he has to leave and so on. I think people are bored and nitpicking or intentionally misunderstanding. Probably flat_right has a more realistic view of the meaning of the quote.

In the end for the WRC it's good that Tanak went to Hyundai and not Toyota as this way it's more balanced.

It's not like there is 5-6 manus title chase and team X hires 4 WDCs to the team. It is 2 teams fighting for manufacturer title atm.
Teams put tens and tens of millions per year for competing in WRC and if they see that some certain driver is needed, then they try to get him. Bs ,,gentlemen agreement''.
At the moment it is totally understandable that Toyota keeps their current line-up, as their drivers are 1-2.
All would be okay, if there weren't all these Latvala's talks about why Tanak can't join Toyota.
I'm sure if Toyoda said that he wants Tanak, he would get him.

It's just that somebody has to justify himself as a principal and others (journalists) make stories with Tanak mentioned in them and clicks come.