Well , here we go for another shot at Silverstone , and tricky conditions helped to create a really interesting grid .

Max didn't seem to have it all his way this time out , with Lando and Oscar close behind .
I'm not so sure they will be so close tomorrow , but their long runs didn't look too bad yesterday , so good luck to them .

Things are getting heated between the red drivers because the team needs another complication .

Bottas ran out of gas . Dull day on a dull day .

Again , a sketchy moment for Hammy and Max .

And , what can one say about Checo ?
The Trophy wife has a theory about what's happening to the poor Mexican .
It's the Heinie "0" commercial .
Do that ad bit and you sink at RB .
Daniel made that mistake and took that ride on that scooter as well when he worked there , and look where he is now , just waiting like a bridesmaid .

I'm looking forward to this one .
This is straight forward , building anticipation each day for the big race on Sunday .
It is easy to understand , and perfect for the attraction of new viewers , unlike that stupid , nobody understands it , qualifying , not qualifying , no practice , can't bust it sprint , gets up my nose , like way up there , stupid sprint race weekend format .

Yeah , where was I ?
Oh yeah .
Silverstone .
Classic weekend .
Classic weather .
Classic track .