Hyundai's PR statement is revealing:

"Craig returns to the team fully motivated and secures an enviably talented line-up to support Thierry and Esapekka." - Is that all they think of Craig??? Surely his stock has fallen.

"With Thierry, we know his performance potential and his appetite to fight for the drivers’ title. With Esapekka joining the team on a full-time campaign, we have a driver line-up that can compete for the top positions at all events and on all surfaces." - We know officially who the number 1 driver is. And who is number 2.

“Experience has been the number one priority for our 2023 WRC line-up. With Thierry, Esapekka, Dani and Craig, we have a strong combination of drivers who can lead us into a new season." - No youngsters required here. Or novices at this level.